They say blondes have more fun, but I think the jury is still out on that one personally. There is such a stigma surrounding blonde girls. They’re dumb, incapable of common sense thoughts, but hey, at least she’ll be a good time. How can someone make all these assumptions about a person solely based on this one aspect of their appearance?
As a girl who is seen by everyone as a "blonde," though no naturally, I’ve had males that have known me as both a blonde and a brunette tell me that I’m so much hotter as a blonde, which makes almost no sense to me. My body is still the same, my boobs and my butt haven’t changed one bit, and my facial structure is still the same. It baffled me. This is a reoccurring situation. This week, in fact, at a fraternity, a guy approached me clearly because he thought I was attractive, and later he admitted to having a “thing” for blondes. I couldn’t help but think throughout the rest of our interactions that night if he would have approached me if I had been a brunette; was my attractiveness directly tied to my hair color? I’ll probably never know considering I have no intentions of seeing him again and I have no intentions of going back to my natural brunette anytime soon either. I guess the common thought is that because a girl is blonde she will be a good time and be the submissive character that is seemingly so desired by men.
The oddest thing that happened to me when I transitioned from brunette to blonde in the spring of last year was the accusations of wanting to be the “typical” sorority girl, and wanting to fit in. Quite simply, that just wasn’t the case. It was something I did for myself and despite those comments, I continued to dye my hair. Once I became completely blonde, the most surprising thing that was said to me was, first of all, people gushing over how good they thought my hair looked because their approval was the last thing I desired. One girl also told me that she thought it fit my personality better. I couldn’t help but feel offended by this, as an aware human being. I knew the stereotype of the blonde personality; she meant I was bubbly, but also lacked focus, ambition, and goals for the future. Somehow changing my hair color took away any potential I had in the world to be successful and make a difference, and I was now living up to my potential or lack of.
I didn’t know changing my hair color would change my life in the way that it did. People would instantly see me differently than they did before. I don’t think that a person’s hair color should be that impactful on other’s perception of them. It’s a ridiculous thing for someone to be judged on because everyone knows that those physical appearance aspects have absolutely nothing to do with one’s ambition or intelligence, and I think that’s important for everyone to understand.