No matter what you might say or think, Hillary Clinton has made United States history. She's the first female to receive a formal nomination for the presidency. I personally believe this election is the most crucial we have had since I've been alive. I am proud to see such a strong woman run against a man who continuously belittles women. I am proud to say that my first vote in a presidential election, will be for someone who I believe will respect me and future generations of women. I am proud to say that I am voting for a person who believes that we are stronger together. I am proud to say, that I am with her.
Below are quotes that stood out to me not only because of the content but who was giving the speech. While watching the convention I kept realizing two particular trends: diversity and the feeling of representation. There wasn't one group that wasn't shown or an issue that wasn't covered at the debate. I urge you to the read the speeches and research the person who gave them.
"Donald Trump, you want to run the county, I ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution... Did you read where is says, liberty?"... "You have sacrificed no one and nothing!"
Khizar Khan father of Captain H. Khan, fallen veteran. Mr. Khan is a Muslim American. His son sacrificed his life protecting his fellow soldiers.
"Most consequential election... This election can carry us to a future of unity and hope or a place of darkness and discourse."
Gen. John Allen, International Security Force, Afghanistan. Donald Trump once said that, "he knew more than the generals about ISIS." So the DNC invited the General John Allen. His job is to solely focus on ISIS.
"He uses bankruptcy... As a rich mans get out of jail free card... I bet he doesn't even have a callus on his hand!"
Rep. Xavier Becerra (California). Rep. Becerra, an immigrant who worked hard and came from the country that Trump wants to build a wall along its border (cough cough, Mexico, if you were not sure).
As Katy Perry said at the DNC, go out and vote, "Even if it's just to cancel out your weird cousin's vote." And if you're not from the South and you don't have to vote simply to cancel out other people's votes, please go vote! Use your voice. Be proud to be from the USA.