Finding the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your boyfriend or girlfriend can be extremely difficult, especially when you are ona budget. Here are some ideas to make your own gift that your loved on is bound to absolutely love.
1. "365 Reasons I Love You" mason jar
With this idea, you can do how ever many reasons you want. I preferred the 365 reasons so that my boyfriend has something to look at everyday of the year. You can make it in a mason jar or use this idea with cards. The one with the cards deck is 52 because that's how many cards are in one deck.
2. "Open When..." letters
I absolutely love this idea the most. "Open when..." letters are great for long distance relationships. This could mean you live hours from your loved one or you go to school hours away. I have been planning to make these for my boyfriend because we rarely get to see each other whenever I am at school and I always wish to be there for him in a way.
3. Scrapbook
Pictures is always a nice gift to give anyone you love. You can make them in different ways. You can make it focus on the beginning of your relationship, about the best times you had together, etc. All you need is to find a scrapbook and then get all of the pictures you love and put them in any order you would like them to be in.
4. Love coupons
I know, I know, this is the most common and cheesiest idea for a loved one, but those kinds of gifts can also be the best. In my opinion, I would rather someone give me a gift from the heart, like date coupons or something, instead of some kind of expensive gift that doesn't come from the heart.
5. Photo collage
If you both love to take pictures, then make some kind of collage in a unique shape. You don't have to do the usual heart, you can also do something that is special to you two. You need to make it special and make it into something that wouldn't relate to everyone else around the world.
6. Box full of things they love
If you want to make it extra special, you can put a bunch of things together in a decorated shoe box. What you put into it should be something your loved one loves or both of you love to do together. If I did this for my boyfriend, I would make a movie night box because we are always watching movies together, new or old.
7. Picture in a mason jar
If you have some really special pictures that you both love, then get a few mason jars and put fairy lights in each of them. Once you do that you can put the picture around the mason jar inside. This will cover the lights but it will make the picture seem brighter and lit up to see.