Though I don’t like to align myself with any specific political party, I’ve grown a distaste to certain stereotypes from each party. For the longest time, these stereotypes would skew my perception of their respective parties and make me resent them. The irony with that is that by allowing myself to resent a party based off of their ridiculous stereotypes, I’ve fallen prey to one of the biggest problems plaguing our country right now: a division amongst the people of the ‘United’ States of America. I have since somewhat learned to distinguish the difference between legitimate supporters with viable reasons and those who disgrace their preferred parties, but I still struggle at times.
Do not mistake this for an endorsement of any candidate, but I don't understand how Trump and Clinton are getting so much support. They're both, in my opinion, awful candidates and unworthy of presidency. However, behind these two candidates (and behind Bernie Sanders) are a plentiful amount of people who believe in them and believe in their visions for the future of our country. There will always be a portion of stupid people both Republican and Democrat; but I don't think all voters are stupid. Obviously everyone has their own reasons for voting for whoever, but it really boils my blood when people slander or harm others for their political choices.
I can guarantee you 100 percent that you making fun of someone or physically harming someone for their political choices will not change their mind. It will make them resent you and grow an associative hatred toward other supporters of your party.
What do I mean by associative hatred? It's when people devise their own fictional stereotypes and place them on others. It's the reason why we have paid news anchors stating on national television that Bernie has the "hip-hop vote"—which I can't even begin to express how wildly racist that is—and I'm not really the kind of guy to throw the "racist" term around casually. It's also why conservatives are seen as dumb, hypocritical, Christian, islamophobic, anti-Mexican, redneck swine incapable of composing basic logic, and liberals are seen as tree-hugging, welfare-collecting, criminal pussies that only base their vote on who is going to legalize weed and give them free stuff.
Don't get me wrong, I'll talk shit to a candidate all day. I loved the Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer memes, they were hilarious. But I've decided I won't talk shit to random supporters because it accomplishes nothing. It really is pointless to insult others because of who they choose to support. If you really wish to change someone's mind, engage in a peaceful and educated debate with an open mind. If they still disagree, at least agree to disagree. Don't call them a moron then tell them 50 reasons why they're a moron. We have enough people in the news telling us why you should despise supporters of the other party; we certainly don’t need anymore.
That all being said, it would be ignorant to ignore that these stereotypes of each party exist, but I can assure you that the amount of people who actually fall into those categories is pale in comparison to the amount of legitimate supporters with respectable reasons for their decisions. As an American, it is disappointing to see so many people of this country devolve into such primal hatred of one another just because of a political choice!
Why do we, as Americans, let ourselves become so divided just because of a political campaign? We are better than this! Or maybe we’re not anymore. Don’t let the voice of one person make you hate an entire group. There will always be people who disagree with your beliefs, but that is no reason to hate one another. Stop being divided over such nonsense (but also don't support a candidate for dumb reasons).