For hours I have been sitting in front of the artificial screen of my computer, willing my fingers to type out some extraordinary article that would be worthy of being published online. Nothing comes to me. Outside the window, grey clouds hang swollen in the sky like balloons, rain falling mercilessly from them. I am finding no inspiration here. I pace the kitchen, make some tea, tidy up the cluttered table.
Then, without warning, light shoots into the air: today’s first glimpse of the sun. Eager to feel it on my skin, I fly through the door and out into the street. What awaits me is as unexpected as it is miraculous: a vibrant double rainbow against a purple-gray horizon. Water evaporates off of the fence, appearing as steam or smoke; the wetted leaves of trees glitter as a slight wind blows. I see my neighbors emerging from their homes to catch a better view of this marvel of nature. One man, facing away from me, raises his arms up overhead in a triumphant and welcoming gesture.
As much as I try to avoid interrupting special moments by taking pictures, I can’t resist capturing such an occasion on film. I dart back in the house to grab my camera, and return outside to find that the colors have only become more brilliant. Point, shoot, snap. Here, Life says. This is all the inspiration you need.