A few days after celebrating the independence of the country we adore, all hell breaks loose. Two men's lives are taken by police and the videos go viral. In response, protests take place all over the country and one in Dallas ends with five police officers dead. Killing people for killing people is not the answer. As children, we are pumped with so much pride for this "land of the free." This is not the country I grew up thinking I was being raised in. Two recent movements have caught my attention, and I'm going to use my platform, as a writer, to share what I have to say.
Black Lives Matter is trending for a reason. Members of the black community are being threatened unreasonably. From watching videos of the victims, Castile and Sterling, I witnessed the problem myself. After viewing, I personally felt scared and uncomfortable to the point where I wondered if I shouldn't have watched. You feel the agony in Castile’s girlfriends voice. You see his white shirt soak with blood. I realized that it is because of these videos that the issue is being brought to attention. Some wonder why black people instantly pull out their phone when approached by law enforcement. Why wouldn’t they? Sadly, they see the pattern unfair treatment and feel that recording is the only way to prove their innocence. I truly believe if we did not have access to video and social media, this story would not be told truthfully. Black Lives Matter is not an anti-white or anti-cop movement, but rather a call for help and unity.
Blue Lives Matter is another trending idea. “Not all cops are bad” is the typical response while having a conversation about this issue and, in my opinion, a very poor one. It ignores the pattern that has been set. Obviously, not all cops are bad cops but we need to admit that there are serious issues in the system. That issue being racism and it still relevant all around us, not just within the police force. I am not disregarding a police officer’s courage and commitment. Police officers exist to monitor the public, in which the majority them do and I am immensely grateful for that. The videos that go viral about good cops vs. bad cops are a small portion of the everyday encounters cops have with their communities. I commend cops for keeping our communities safe but, there is a clear and definite problem we can’t ignore.
Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter come back to one common issue: profiling. I personally believe that's what is comes down to. People have one negative experience and automatically make assumptions and place them onto the entire group of people. That statement holds true for all races, genders, religions, etc. With that being said, our anger should not evolve into violence. The current madness surrounding all of us can not become the new “normal.” Why in 2016, do we fear someone solely because the were raised or look different than us? It's utterly ignorant and logical. Variety and uniqueness are what's supposed to make America so wonderful. Right now, this is what’s dividing us.
What can we do? It’s hard for me to believe that an average person, like myself, can do anything about this catastrophe. Posting on Facebook, Twitter, and writing this article seem to be my only option. By influencing peers and challenging others to form opinions, we create a nation-wide conversation. I encourage you to stop being bashful, share your thoughts with family and friends while treating ALL people with respect and kindness.