Our world is broken. No matter who you are or what you believe, I think we can all agree that there are major problems in our society and in every country on the planet. I’ve never really had much of an interest in politics, but I can’t ignore the fact that our political system is broken as well. I’m not here to give my opinion on who should have been elected president, because the fact is that Donald Trump was inaugurated as our 45th president this week. No matter who you voted for, you have to accept it. You have to accept him as our leader, but you don’t have to be happy about it.
Honestly, I wouldn’t have been happy about either candidate being chosen as the leader of our country, because both candidates are broken people. Neither candidate would have been a perfect choice because we are living in a world completely void of anything resembling perfection. It pains me to see my friends and classmates being divided by this election, but, in reality, we were divided long before. We were divided when the decision came out not to indict Officer Darren Wilson. We were divided when states seceded from the Union and a Civil War began. We were divided when some people wanted independence while others remained loyal to the crown. But, ultimately, we were divided when Jesus Christ was hung on a cross by those who hated him, while those who believed he was the Messiah watched with disbelief and sorrow as he died.
I have no solution for how to “Make America Great Again,” but I can assure you that no one man or woman can. Only God can fix our broken nation, and one day He will. He promises in Isaiah to one day create a new heaven and a new earth that is not led by a sinful man. One day He will change the discord to harmony, hurt into healing, confusion to peace, and hopelessness to eternal hope.
But what can we do until then? We are still living under the rule of a new president, we still witness terrorist attacks all too frequently, we still see children being taken into slavery, and we still are only one person amidst a world full of chaos and division. First, we must admit our own brokenness. Judgment and hypocrisy have no place in our attempt to make a difference. Second, we must dive into discomfort and not be afraid to stand out. Love those who are normally overlooked, serve those who are different than you, and stand by those who are hurting. Third, pray. Pray for the leader of our country to make wise decisions. Pray for his office to hold him accountable. Pray for those who are scared about the future of our country to find peace in Christ. Pray for those who are upset and angry to not let that define their actions. And, finally, pray for yourself. Pray that you will be a contributor to peace, healing, and love instead of violence, hurt, and hatred.
I’m not sure what will happen in the next four or eight years, but God knows and He is in control; find peace in that.