Before I begin, I would like to say that these views are merely from personal experience and observation. I understand that everyone has their own political opinions and I respect the diversity in thought that is alive within our borders.
I am in the middle of taking a course that does an in-depth study of African politics that analyzes the formation of states throughout history, along with the wars and political turmoil that accompanies their formation as well. Within our studies, I have come to learn that African countries had a rough start: early European colonization created state borders that divided different ethnic populations in half. This is the reason why today, most African countries struggle with nationalism and have relatively weak governments. European borders were never changed after they pulled out of their respective territories; entire populations of people are still separated by interstate borders.
Now at this point you are probably thinking, well what does this have to do with our country? Many political scientists like to compare The United States to the sub-Saharan African countries. Pessimists among this intellectual community believe that we are heading down the same road to political turmoil due to our ethnic diversity. A group of theorists called "primordialists" claim that where there is a large range of ethnic identities, conflict is always lurking beneath the surface in plural societies.
The truth is, Americaisfragile because it is a multi-ethnic society. We are unlike most countries in the world because we are one, big "melting pot". Every bloodline has its own, unique history and that is what makes us so great. Our country's weakness is also its greatest strength. With our differences in color, gender, ethnicity, political association, location, etc. there is going to be differing opinions on how we should run our country. With the recent election, people look outside their windows and see protests, rallies, people on political rants, and the list could go on and on. It can be hard to find positivity in a time where there is so much perceived hatred for different ways of thinking.
Through all of these opinions and public displays of objection, let this be your comfort: democracy is alive!!! Where else in the world do you have the opportunity to live in a country where everyone can participate in government and express their values and beliefs to incite change? You may doubt the people that run our nation, but never doubt this country's core. Our history is stained with challenges, but we have persevered. We are all still Americans, we share the same love and passion for the nation that we call our home, and we all want to leave this country better than we found it. Even now, when times are tough and we are being constantly reminded of the things that divide us, in the words of Pete Seeger, "we shall overcome".
"The views expressed, [in this article] reflect personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Naval Academy, the United States Navy, any federal agency, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.”