I had the privilege of attending the Rally Against Hate, Bigotry, Racism and Sexism at Michigan State University this past Thursday, November 9th. How wonderfully surreal it was to be surrounded by so much love and support in a group of so many different people.
While I understand there will be plenty of these articles, recapping the numerous protests breaking out across the nation, I believe that everyone's experience with these events is different and should be documented. I'll be discussing mine.I can honestly say attending this event was one of the most rewarding, beautiful things I’ve ever done in my life. We protested peacefully with purpose and urgency. We were encouraged to speak out without fear of being ridiculed. We were told that our opinions mattered, each and every one of us.
As a non-confrontational person, I always avoided debates. I simply couldn't handle the negative energy and tension they create, so I chose to keep my opinions to myself, despite how relevant I felt they were. This election, and this rally, have pushed for me to realize how important it is to participate and truly care about something. I care about the people who fear their lives right now, and the people whose own country, whose own president, actively try to make them feel insignificant. This is something I always avoided saying, and now I ask myself why I didn't say it earlier.
To those who believe that these rallies and protests are doing nothing, you're wrong. No, protesting won't reverse what happened on election night, but it will unite people without compromising anyone's morality. It will allow those opposed to this presidency come together without being forced to back someone they can't agree with.
This rally helped me find my voice. It made me feel significant, as I'm sure it made everyone else feel. When we talk of uniting as a country, this is how we must unite. Our actions shouldn't condone unacceptable behavior, they should recognize the issue and channel enough support to defeat it. Person to person. Soul to soul. Heart to heart.