24. 'Twist and Shout' - The Beatles | The Odyssey Online
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25 Diverse Songs To Spice Up Your Playlist

Whether you want to add some hype or bring the mood down, there is something in here for you.

25 Diverse Songs To Spice Up Your Playlist
Instagram @thebeatles

There is so much music out there that it's impossible to hear it all, and as such, I'm here to help spread some good tunes. This list was originally going to be 15 but there are just so many good options!

1. 'Cannonball' - Skylar Grey & X Ambassadors

A soft but melodic song ft the guys who made the song Renegade then promptly disappear. Please direct any questions you have about the odd and scatterbrained music video to your nearest youtube comment section. Why is there a Chieftain? A medieval knight? A guy spinning on his head? Those guys who did that renegade song? I'm not sure don't ask me.

2. 'Folsom Prison Blues' - Johnny Cash

A far departure from the subtleties of Cannonball, Folsom Prison Blues is a soulful blues song sung by the legend himself.

3. 'Dangerous' - The xx

Slow, but meaningful.

4. 'Space Oddity' - David Bowie

A Bowie classic, if this song doesn't make you want to get up and go do something spontaneous I'm not sure what will

(Bonus) 'Space Oddity ft. Kristin Wiig'

For my fellow Secret Life of Walter Mitty fans, this ones for you.

5. 'House of the Rising Sun' - The Animals

Perhaps mostly forgotten due to time, many ~millenials~ barely know this song exists and its a shame, this song SLAPS. It is so soulful and poetic it'll almost make you forget the Animals were British and had never been to New Orleans before they recorded this song. It also topped the charts for half a decade according to my father, who was alive when New Orleans was founded. It was also after writing that last sentence I got distracted by a 30 Minute rabbit hold of Vine compilations, back to the task at hand.

6. 'Hallelujah' - Jeff Buckley

There's never a time where Hallelujah just isnt the mood.

7. 'Jusfayu' - Brother KAMAU

"I'm not a bad guy, I aint all put together."

8. 'Send Them Off!' - Bastille

Remember that song Pompeii? The song that starts with "ay ay ooo ay ay ooo" and the singer has a heavy accent? And it was really popular like six years ago? Well they did, in fact, not fall off the face of the earth and came out with a pretty strong album in "Wild World". Also, the title of the song officially has the exclamation point because punctuation matters in song titles now.

9. 'Wild Heart' - Saint Raymond

"Because I'm searching for something I hope in my heart I will find..."

10. 'Cocoon' - Catfish and the Bottleman

Just don't watch the music video, I guess.

11. '16 Years' - The Griswolds

"Without you here, the world has gotten colder on my own..."

12. 'Drown' - Kovic

"How many times can we rebuild on broken ground?"

13. 'Out of the Blue' - Prides

Here you come, my heart's only drummer.

14. 'Agibore' - MPB4

There's a good chance this song is older than you, also it's nice to spice up your playlist with some Brazilian beats.

15. 'Energy' - Avelino (ft. Stormzy)

If you live on the side of the pond with tornadoes and country music than its entirely unlikely you've heard this song.

16. 'Bonkers' - Dizzee Rascal

This song is just pure hype.

17. 'Waka Waka' - Shakira (yes, that World Cup song)

An icon singing a truly iconic song that headlined the memorable 2010 World Cup in South Africa. 4 more years till the next one!

18. 'Colors' - Jason Derulo

January, February, March, April, May, June, JASON DERULO. I think we can all be glad that they decided on Jason Derulo to sing the song for the 2018 World Cup rather than Tinie Tempah. Ironically, Derulo is American, and we Americans failed to qualify for the world cup this song was intended for.

19. 'Hot Blood' - Kaleo

From one of the best Albums of 2016. Bonus fact: Kaleo is an Icelandic band.

20. 'Amsterdam' - Nothing But Thieves

Somewhere between indie rock and metal at various points. Very good for headbanging in the car.

21. 'Plastic Smile' - Example

"All I'm after is belief, all you're showing me is teeth."

22. 'Mountain at my Gates' - Foals

A slow build up for an incredible finale. Bonus: the lead vocalist and lead guitarist's name is Yannis Philippakis, a name the likes of which will probably never be matched.

23. 'Explotar' - Compass

Something about gas and fire in a kitchen...

24. 'Twist and Shout' - The Beatles

A classic if there ever was one made only better by the entire city of Detroit dancing along with it.

Bonus: 'Cello Suite No.1 in G Major'

The infallable Yo-Yo Ma doing justice for Beethoven's masterpiece.

25. 'Faded Heart' - Børns

I've listened to Børns for the past two years and the slash through the o (or, the ø), as well as his sound and style made me assume he was from Sweden or Norway or something but my whole reality came crashing down when I discovered he's just from Michigan.

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