I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that the winter blues are real and personally more real than ever before this year I could tell something was off for awhile but wasn't quite sure what it was until spring break rolled around and the sun started peeking out a little more everyday. I'm planning on spring cleaning my life this season and becoming a happier version of myself this spring and here's how:
Eating healthy good-for-you foods
It's so easy in the wintertime to eat three slices of cake and an entire box of Cheez-Its, but honestly it makes me feel terrible, mentally and physically. Eating foods that actually make you feel good about putting them in your body will make you fell better inside and out.
Taking care of yourself
Whether this means going to the gym, making sure to drink enough water, or just remembering to put on lotion, taking care of yourself is so important and truly makes you realize the beauty you have within yourself. Taking care of yourself encourages loving yourself which is another part of becoming a happier you that is absolutely vital to the process.
Finding time for yourself
Between school, homework, jobs, and other obligations that come along with this stage of life it's crucial to find something you love to do and make time for it despite all of these other things filling your time. Whether that's hiking and hammocking on a nice spring afternoon or picking up a novel and reading just for the enjoyment of it, find what you love and don't be afraid to sacrifice time from your hectic life to do it.
Focusing on you
As self-centered as I'm sure this sounds, I promise it's not. Focusing on yourself is a tactic that is also quite important to being happy, you spend all your time with yourself so you should focus on yourself and what is best for you. Being someone you actually want to be is something that can make everyone very happy but it requires fixation on yourself, don't be scared you'll seem conceited just because you're focused on you and not what everyone else is doing. You're doing it for the betterment and happiness of yourself.
Not comparing yourself
I am so guilty of this terrible habit and I have chosen to be conscious of it and try to rid myself of it. I would constantly find myself looking at other people and comparing the life I lived to the life they lived in a negative way, or a girl's hair, makeup, body, clothes, or anything about her really, in a negative way. Becoming a happier person includes realizing that the comparison is not necessary, appreciation for that person's beauty is one thing but putting yourself down because of it is silly and only creates a negative connotation with your own life and beauty.
Realizing your life is a bright side
Looking on the brighter side of life is great, however your entire life is a bright side. You're going to be as happy as you let yourself, so why not be the happiest you possibly could? Realizing that everything in your life has a purpose and looking at everything with a positive mindset will take you to much happier levels almost immediately.
Let yourself go
Don't overthink every single thing to death. I'm also extremely guilty of this one, I am such an over thinker it's actually insane. I've decided in order to be a happier me the overthinking has got to go. Instead of having a constant reel of thoughts going in my head the entire time I'm doing something I actually enjoy doing, I'm aiming to stop that and just let myself go and enjoy the moment I am living.
Overall, spring is a time to become a better you and grow like the flowers will begin to outside. Happiness is among us all, it just takes the right type of mindset to find it and I encourage all of you to find yours.