Every year we make resolutions to lose weight, hit the gym, or eat healthier... sometimes all three. While some people actually attempt to keep to their resolutions, others fall short. Being healthier is a great resolution, but you shouldn't let that only fall on the New Year. It should be something you strive to do every day. So, I've put together a small list of resolutions that are more exciting to uphold.
1. Save your money.
My family is BIG on change jars. My dad has a huge water jug that he tosses spare change into whenever he has any. I've followed in his steps and I now keep two mason jars (one at school, one at home) for my spare change. Because these jars are filled with change rather than dollar bills, I don't even bother to touch it when I go out because spare change is annoying to deal with. This is my favorite money saving technique because I get to take some weight off my wallet and save up a bunch of money as well. If you're not a fan of change jars, Pinterest is full of other ideas. Saving money is essential, especially if you're a struggling college student like me.
2. Learn something new.
College students are always learning something new within their classes. However, the lessons we are taught won't always interest us or stick with us. Keep your thirst for knowledge alive by learning about something new. Try a new language or learn how to defend yourself. Colleges offer gym classes for yoga and Zumba, among other things. My college even provides female students with self-defense classes. Doing something like that could really boost your motivation to learn more about the world around you and you'll blow your families away with all the knowledge you've gifted yourself with.
3. Travel more.
This could go hand-in-hand with saving money. I understand that traveling anywhere that requires a plane, train or bus can get expensive, but you don't need to go somewhere that far to fulfill this resolution. Hope in your car, find the nearest trail and go for a hike. Visit a beach you've never been to. Stay with family out of state for a weekend. Apply for a service trip sponsored by your school and fundraise for the travel expenses! There are so many opportunities for you to see the world, even if it's just down the block.
4. Keep a positive outlook on your life.
The best way to make 2017 your year is to stay positive. Negative outlooks and expectations will only bring a negative year. Think the best of people, expect greatness, be happy. Cut off toxic relationships, stop procrastinating. Better yourself for a better life and better year.