College is a sensitive time in our lives, and every day, we try our very bests to learn as efficiently as we can. We take notes, we listen sharply, and we study our butts off for endless quizzes and tests. However, there are many things that can distract me, and that includes my peers. And I'll explain why.
1. When you come into class extremely late.
You have no idea how much this can make or break my learning. Please, for the love of God, don't even bother showing up to class when you'll be an hour late. There's honestly no point. When you come into class late, it distracts everyone from what the professor is lecturing on, and our minds start to wander for the rest of the class period. I'm sorry to say this, but please work on your time management, okay, thanks!
2. When you ask questions that aren't necessary.
Please don't, you'll only confuse the whole class. Don't even try and look surprised when every single head turns to look at you because you confused the crap out of everyone. This class is hard enough, I don't need your confusing, unnecessary questions. I'm begging you.
3. Leaving your phone's vibrator on.
If you decide to go on your phone, just turn off the noise, it's not that hard, I promise. Just one simple noise can distract me and then my mind wanders off into places I didn't even know were possible. Plus, it's very disrespectful, not just to me, but to the professor as well. They work very hard to plan their lessons, and it can be distracting to them as well.
4. Chewing with your mouth open.
It's ok to eat in class, and everyone deserves to be able to snack when they want. However, you don't realize how irking this is to me, and I literally CANNOT stand when people chew with their mouths open. It's disgusting, gross, and extremely loud. Guess what? It's really easy to learn how to close your mouth.
5. Not controlling your manners.
If you're constantly burping or hiccuping, we may have an issue here. I understand that we usually can't help our bodily functions, but it doesn't help when you drink a whole ton of soda in one sitting. It makes your burps and hiccups more likely to occur. And if you end up hiccuping, try to keep your mouth closed, PLEASE.
6. When your sniffing sounds like a pig.
This is probably one of the worst offenses. If you have a pretty nasty cold, just get up and blow your nose. Truth be told, it's actually less distracting when you sniff every 2 seconds and we can literally hear all of your mucus being sucked up. It's disgusting, too, and not very considerate of the others around you.