Dear friend,
I know it has been a while since we have talked. I'm sorry for that and I wish I could rewind all those times I didn't call or send a message and do it over. Remember all those fun times we had in class? We wrote dumb notes to each other which we saved and re-read to this day. I'll always remember the jokes we cracked about the girl in the front who hit on our algebra teacher after lunch or the time you trusted me with a secret which I kept to myself. I know high school seemed like a lifetime. Every time we shared a laugh or cried together was a good day and reassured me that our friendship would never budge or never get lost in the every day life.
I know high school seems like forever ago when you think about it now. All those nights I met knew people and went downtown to clubs during college, or the nights I needed a familiar friend, they were nothing compared to the night we got drunk for the first time the weekend before prom or cutting up with you at band practice after school everyday.
To this day, one thing will never change. I will never forget the good times we had. I hold them true to my heart. Our friendship is just a hidden treasure others have to find in me. They wish for the kind of friendship we had yet have not found it. I just wanted to tell you that I know your struggles and I know you've been frustrated. I can't remember the last day that wasn't stressful looking for a new job or trying to finish a degree. I know we use to be close and could talk about anything. I promised myself life would not get in the way, and it did. Those that say distance doesn't change things are wrong. Well...partially wrong. It changes how much we see each other and it changes the way I deal with my problems.
But I saw you the other day, and it was just like it was in high school. At least that much has stayed the same. I know you're married now, or are searching for a job out of state, or maybe you've gotten a job and have started your life, but each day something new reminds me of you. Part of me wants to relive those days and enjoy them one last time. But I promise I've learned one thing from this distance. I've learned to treasure all my memories more than before and to not let distance define my new found friendships I've made through time. I promise to try to stay in touch. I may do a crap job, but I try. I promise to reminisce as much as possible and to take as many pictures as I can now that will keep me looking back on life like it's a treasure that I've found.
Thank you for teaching me who I was back then and who I want to be in the future. We may have different lives now but some things will never change.