Dear long distance best friend,
We may be over 300 miles apart, but that doesn't make you any less of my best friend.
We may not be able to see each other every day, or talk all day long like normal teenage best friends would do, but when we do get the chance to talk our conversations are endless. When we text each other to catch up on life, the conversation can go on for days on end. I don't bug you with every boring detail of my life every day because we spill it all during our catch-up sessions, but when something important happens in my life, you are always the first one I run too.
We don't see each other for years at a time, but that doesn't make you any less of my best friend.
When we're reunited, we instantly go back to being our old selves. I feel whole again because my sister is finally back by my side. There's never a dull moment when we're together because we have so many memories to make in the short time that we get to spend together. We take an outrageous amount of pictures together because that is the only thing that will get us through the next several years.
You are my forever friend.
From school dances, outdoor adventures, trips to the city, summer concerts, our dance parties, and 'jelly-fishing', only you hold these memories with me, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't have to worry about finding a maid of honor for my wedding, or the right fit godmother for my future children because I know who it will be. Our friendship isn't like most. We have overcome many obstacles together so I know that we can get through anything. Distance has nothing on us.
"Even though we change and we're both finding our own places in the world, we both know that when that when the tears fall or a smile spreads across our faces, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're still not friends."