Time has a funny way of showing us what truly matters.
We have heard our parents and grandparents say it a thousand time.
We are always thinking about the fleeting moments of ourselves, saying "where did the time go?" or " it feels like yesterday that I..."
This has often happened to me when I go back or revisit a place that I hold dear to my heart. For me, this always happens when I go home. Whenever I go back there are things I always pay attention to or people that I want to see. There is excitement built leading up to the moment that I can place my feet on the floor that has been such a large part of my life.
I do not think we truly appreciate the many blessings we have while they are actually in our lives. When I left home to go to college, there were things that I had the privilege of having every day. Things like seeing my parents day in and day out, seeing friends I have known my whole entire life and being present in the consistency of the beautiful place I call home.
Distance for me has played a large part in my ability to try to be a strong person. There are so many relationships that I treasure that are often hard to maintain because of the great distance, miles states away I am from people that I care about the most. But what I have learned, despite the fleeting moments and great distance, the ones who truly matter will always find a way to be present in your life. Whether it's a visit, FaceTime call or even a stupid Snapchat.
Being present in moments and in touch with others can help the time that seems to always be flying, to slow down.
There are people in our lives that are here today and could be out of them tomorrow. It's up to us to figure out how we are going to spend the time to be with the people in our lives. Everybody is busy in their own lives with work and school, we often are moving so fast we forget that as we count down the days until breaks or the endings of chapters, we are wasting valuable time with the people who surround us.
The people that walk in and out of our lives are all present to teach us lessons. I have found this to be one of the greatest truths in my life. The people who care about you will always be there, even when there have been highs and major lows in the relationship and so should you.
Be there for the people you care about, no matter how far away or how much time has passed.
Then we will truly be able to see the many blessings you have in this life.