I know this is old news by now, but I had to speak on it. Disney recently released that they will be leaving Netflix in 2019 and creating their own streaming service which will possibly launch in 2019. If you know me, then you know I looooooove me some Disney movies.
But upon hearing this news, I wasn’t has thrilled as you might imagine. Below I’ll list some of my personal pros and cons to Disney have its own streaming service, and then you can decide for yourself if you think it’s a good move for the company or not.
Pros: All. Disney. Movies. And. Shows. In. One. Place.
That’s huge. Because it’s not just the classic Disney movies like ‘The Lion King’ or ‘Aladdin’ or ‘Cinderella’ but it’s also the Marvel movies, Star Wars movies, original shows and movies from Disney Channel (I actually don’t know if all of that is confirmed, but I would assume so since it’s Disney owned).
That’s so much content, it’s crazy and it makes me excited just thinking about it. I think 90s babies and even 2000s babies (but I feel like 90s more) grew up with Disney and so this is kind of a big deal to us. Or at least to me.
Cons: Another streaming service? Really?
I just….I feel like a big chunk of the demographic they’re targeting is 18-25 year olds, but all of us are broke college students. Who has the money to spend on another streaming service?
I would sign up for this so fast if I didn’t have to pay for it. But obviously they need to charge in order to make a profit, I get that. I’m not a business major and I don’t know how any of this works, but so many people have Netflix, I feel like a better option would’ve been to put all of their shows and movies on there. Or even have Netflix charge $2-$3 extra exclusively for Disney content. I don’t know, those are just my thoughts. But I am definitely less likely to subscribe to another streaming service. I just wish all of the major streaming services could come combine for a low cheap college friendly price.
So those are just my thoughts, what are yours? Yay or nay to Disney’s streaming service?