Disney has announced that they will be producing a live-action remake of the beloved movie Mulan. The story centers around the titular character Mulan, a young Chinese woman who disguises herself as a man and replaces her elderly father in the army. Mulan then goes on to be instrumental in the defeat of the invading Huns and captures the heart of General Shang as well, and the movie ends with the girl saving the country and the boy awkwardly knocking at her door.
Personally, Mulan was my favorite Disney princess as a child and even now she holds a special spot in my heart. She was the only Disney princess who looked like me, and she kicked ass. She also had a dragon sidekick and a horse who was fed up with everything, what was there to not like?
But hearing the news that Disney was going to make a live-action movie didn't exactly make me jump for joy. Seeing Disney's announcement that they would be casting a Chinese actress didn't make me ecstatic. Seeing Disney's announcement that Mulan's love interest would not be a white merchant who would save China didn't make me clap my hands in glee.
It's awful to realize that you have absolutely zero faith in mainstream media's ability to represent Asians well. Not just Asians, but any non-white races and non-American ethnicities.
This original version of the script is already incredibly offensive to Asians by taking away our rightful victory, but what makes it worse is that the only reason the script was changed was because people were rightfully protesting it, angered by Disney's sheer audacity. The changes to the script were only made to appease future viewers of the movie.
But here's the thing, Disney. I understand that you're a business first and foremost, but what you need to keep in mind that the original animated Mulan was so popular for a reason. The Mulan in that film didn't have any white merchants randomly swooping in to save the day and get the girl, and the Mulan in that film was brave and lovable and independent. This is the Mulan that your audience wants for a live-action version, and to sully that character is to shoot yourself in the foot. Understand, Disney, that your standards have slipped, but also that your ability to understand the wants of your consumers has become downright awful.
It's 2016, people. It's 2016 and we still have to sign petitions specifically requesting that Asian roles be played by Asian actresses. It's 2016 and Disney announcing that Mulan will be played by a Chinese actress is something to marvel over and applaud. It's 2016 and Disney originally planned to have a white man steal the spotlight as the one who saves China and wins a Chinese warrior woman's heart.
Wake up, America. Wake up to the fact that Asian-Americans do in fact face racism and are treated unfairly in America, and that it's time to admit that no one race is superior to another, no matter how much you cower at the thought of facing the truth. It's 2016, how much longer do we have to keep going in circles?