Jackson walks into the castle and a smile immediately crosses his face as Mickey Mouse greets him. Jackson sprints towards him, jumping into his arms. His smile continues to widen as the giant mouse hands him a gift: a stuffed Mickey toy. Jackson laughs and runs up to his grandma to show her his new gift. He holds on to his toy Mickey for dear life. Never in my life have I seen a boy so thrilled to receive a gift so simple. Jackson’s day is made, and he hasn’t even eaten breakfast yet; that’s just what Give Kids the World does to kids.
Give Kids the World is a nonprofit organization in Kissimmee, Florida, just ten minutes away from Orlando. GKTW allows children with life-threatening illnesses, like Jackson who suffers from histiocytosis, to visit with their families on a stress-free vacation. On the Give Kids the World property, kids and families can play in the castle, enjoy a delicious treat in the ice cream parlor, scream of both fear and joy on the rides, splash around in the waterpark, and game in the arcade. Not to mention each family gets their own private villa to live in for their visit. Affiliated with Make a Wish, Disney, Sea World and Universal, GKTW allows families to go to any park for free. Give Kids the World runs on donations from companies, families, and people, and inspired by children like Jackson.
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Give Kids the World’s slogan is “Where happiness inspires hope,” and that hope is symbolized in one main place on the property: the castle. When each child that is sick (referred to as “wish children”) visits GKTW, he or she gets a little gold star with adhesive on the back. It is their job to go to the castle at some point during their vacation, and sign their star and give it to the “star fairy,” who will put his or her star up in the star tower that night. The very next day, the wish child can go to the star tower to see his or her star hanging with the hundreds of thousands of stars that line star tower. Over 143,000 wish children have put up their star, providing a glimmer of hope. Once a family has stayed at Give Kids the World, they are welcome back anytime for a day visit. As a result, thousands of families come back to visit years later, and the first place they go to is the castle to see their child’s star. To so many children, the star is hope. The star gives them a reason to fight, so they can one day come back and see it hanging in the star tower, shining just as bright as before.
The star that each child is given is one of the greatest gifts they receive during their stay. GKTW has so many amazing qualities and parts of it that make it so unbelievably special. The best and the worst part of Give Kids the World, however, is that it is right next to Disney and Universal. It’s so great that families can go to the parks for free, and the two places are so generous to GKTW, but this magical world lies in the shadow of the two powers. When (non-wish child) families visit Disney for a vacation, little do they know that GKTW is ten minutes down the road, and is constantly looking for volunteers to work. Give Kids the World is a hidden gem; once you find it, it becomes such a valuable part of your life.
Jackson’s life is forever changed by Give Kids the World. To this day, he still raves about the trip he took to Florida three years ago. He remembers the volunteers he met, the places he went, the rides he went on, and what kind of ice cream he had for breakfast. Jackson still talks about his star he put up, and how badly he wants to go back. Whether it be a volunteer, a family, or a wish child, Give Kids the World touches everyone’s lives, and is a place that is so cherished by the people who come through it. Children visit, knowing they may not get the chance to come back ever again, so the memories they make last a lifetime. GKTW is Disney’s greatest feature, not because of the attractions but the people that make it so special.