If you are somebody who needs music to keep you motivated when you are studying, you realize that it can be hard to find music to keep you focused. I like Disney music because it is easy to understand, is happy and surprisingly motivating during those long homework days. Please enjoy my list and comment any other songs you would add!
1. Colors of the Wind- Pocahontas
Nothing gets you more motivated than belting out the high notes and singing about nature. It always gets my study session off to a strong start. Also, check out Melissa McCarthy’s lip sync battle to this song on Fallon for a laugh.
2. Be Prepared- The Lion King
3. Let It Go- Frozen
Even though we don’t care what they are going to say, our grades still bother us anyway. So, try to let it go and not procrastinate.
4. How Far I’ll Go- Moana
We are meant for something more than hours of homework, but Moana put in the effort to get where she is. Let this song motivate you and see where it takes you.
5. When Will My Life Begin-Tangled
“7 AM the usual morning lineup”, trying to finish my work, so I can do something fun. May we all be as productive as Rapunzel in her tower. I know I would much rather be making puzzles and throwing darts and baking after lunch than reading 100 pages of Jane Eyre.
6. I’ll Make A Man Out Of You- Mulan
“Let’s get down to business…” This is also a good motivation booster if you are starting to get distracted.
7. Circle of Life- The Lion King
Nothing gets you more focused than African tribal calls and Elton John.
8. Part of Your World- The Little Mermaid
Out of my room, I wish I could be a part of the world.
9. Friend Like Me- Aladdin
An upbeat tune courtesy of Genie to keep us going. We won’t find a homework friend like him anywhere else.
10. I See The Light- Tangled
And it’s like the homework fog has lifted. Listening to this playlist takes about 30 minutes, so you deserve a nice study break for all your hard work and I’m sure wonderful singing.
Happy studying,