Disney Princesses are the best. They are all warriors in their own way and they give inspiring tales! As years have progressed more feminism has been shown in their movies. So here are the Disney Princesses ranked by their feminism and feminine strength!
1. Aurora
I actually love Aurora but she always listened to everyone else's orders until she met a man. She grew up her whole life being ordered around and showed little to no restraint on it.
2. Snow White
Compared to the other princesses, she is more compelled to do what others want her to do. She doesn't necessarily have a dream.
3. Cinderella
She is a bit more strong because she overcame the life she had. However, her dream was to get married and that was all she did.
4. Jasmine
She is more of a supporting character. In the movie, Aladdin is facing more of the obstacles. She is however strong because she went against her arranged marriage. Plus she had a whole tiger as a pet!!
5. Belle
She is strong because the whole town saw her as an outcast and weird. She never let that changer her or defy who she was. But she still let herself be a prisoner, even though it was to save her dad. She was still strong and changed the 'beast'.
6. Ariel
This one was a little tricky because Ariel is a strong character. However, she is also pretty dumb. She changed her whole species for a man and didn't even talk to him. She did not think of the consequences with her family either. Prince Eric is pretty hot though so I somewhat understand!
7. Pocahontas
First off let me say that she is GORGEOUS! She is strong because she tried to unite her tribe and the new settlers. She wanted to end the fighting between them. But she did fall in love with the enemy. She trusted the foreigners which turned out to eventually not be a good thing. She trusted on love for John Smith.
8. Rapunzel
Rapunzel is a bit more strong because she was not as easily trusting as the other princesses. She immediately defended herself against Flynn. That frying pan tho! She was innocent though because she had never left the tower and before now she never tried to.
9. Merida
This one was hard too! Merida defied gender roles and defended herself against all the things her parents wanted her to do. Plus I just love her accent. Even though she did defend herself, she did do something hasty based on raw emotion. Which made it bad for her mom. She in a way only thought of herself and did not care about the kingdom.
Tiana was is most ways a strong woman. The time period that the movie was in, everything was controlled by men. She however was the breadwinner of her household. She had 2 jobs and she was saving money for her own business. However, it was not really her dream but more so her late father's dream. She worked towards that and not once did she do anything for herself.
11. Mulan
It is obvious Mulan is high up on the list. She literally eludes feminine strength. She changed her gender and fought in a war just so her father would not have to. She also proved she was just as strong, if not more, than the other soldiers.
12. Elsa
So I know she is a queen but the coronation was the same day so I am going to consider her the official princess. Elsa was so unbelievably strong. She kept her powers hidden for years to protect everyone else. She also was willing to take over the kingdom even though she has not been around people for years. Elsa realized that she was her own person and did not let her powers define who she was.
13. Moana!
Opposed to Elsa, Moana had no influences that made her want to not save her people. Elsa had a big emotional influence which was Anna and because of that she blindly. Moana did everything she did to feed her people. She was up for the task of being chief and that is why she risked her life for her people. She did not want to knowingly let her people die if there was anything she can do about it. Plus she has no love interest! (Elsa either). And her pig is cute. She was the most realistically figured princess too. And she was a POC!
In conclusion, they are all great princesses but they don't all radiate the same amount of feminism. These were the hardest decisions I have ever had to make!