Imagine a world where Rapunzel's Mirror of Erised vision is finding out what the flying lanterns mean, Mulan being the start player in every Quidditch match, and Belle spending hours in the library and trying to stay past its 8 p.m. closing time. All of this could only happen if the princesses were first sorted into their respective houses, and this is where they would be:
Cinderella - Hufflepuff
Her loyalty and kindness are some of her most prominent traits. She is a diligent worker who is very good with animals (and Hufflepuffs have the largest number of Magizoologists). She is obviously unafraid of toil, and all of this makes her a perfect Hufflepuff.
Snow White - Hufflepuff
Snow White shares many characteristics with Cinderella. She is wonderful with animals, and values honesty and fairness.
Mulan - Slytherin
Her bravery could match any Gryffindor, but her cunning nature and resourceful attitude make her a perfect match for Slytherin. Slytherin is not just a house full of bad guys, it's a house full of people who are clever and ambitious, just like Mulan.
Rapunzel - Ravenclaw
A girl who spends her days reading books, charting stars, and her biggest dream in life is travel very far to figure out the one thing in the world she can't figure out from her tower is a girl who belongs in Ravenclaw. Her inquisitive nature and lifetime of studying and learning would make her fit in perfectly.
Anna - Hufflepuff
Jasmine - Slytherin
Merida - Griffindor
Ariel - Ravenclaw
She's always trying to figure out what things from above the sea are used for, and she craves being an individual. Plus, she's have to be pretty witty and smart to figure out how to communicate without a voice.
Aurora - Hufflepuff
Despite the fact that all we know about Aurora is that she's sleepy, Aurora is a very kind, gentle soul who spends her days being a hopeless romantic. These traits land her in Hufflepuff.
Tiana - Slytherin
The fact that she works tirelessly to become an independent shop owner means that Tiana has every trait a good Slytherin has. She's cunning, smart, independent, and hard working.
Pochahontas - Gryffindor
She is kind and noble, yet brave and adventurous. Pocahontas is a fearless leader who put herself in harm's way to save the man she loved. She is a perfect Gryffindor.
Belle - Ravenclaw
Moana - Gryffindor
Moana is a fearless warrior who goes wherever she is called and completes any mission she must, despite the daunting outlook. She is strong, daring, and courageous. She is everything a Gryffindor is.