Disney Pillow Pets: A Definitive Ranking
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Disney Pillow Pets: A Definitive Ranking

Who says Pillow Pets are just for kids? The same people who say Disney is just for kids? Those people are wrong.

Disney Pillow Pets: A Definitive Ranking
Walt Disney World

There are few things I enjoy more than Disney and sleeping. Put the two together and there you have it....Disney Pillow Pets (or, as you will find in Disney Parks, Disney Plush Pals). While these may be marketed toward younger Disney audiences, college kids and "grown ups" can still channel their inner child and find their perfect Pillow Pet...just in time for nap time!

After scanning the realms of Pinterest on a Disney spree, I encountered some (new to me) Disney Pillow Pets and instantly fell in love...with most all of them! Unfortunately, this article cannot house every Disney Pillow Pet in existence.

So, with the help of a few trusted Disney connoisseurs (also known as my family members), I have compiled a Definitive List of the Fifteen Best Disney - Disney/Pixar Pillow Pets!

15. Olaf ("Frozen")

While Olaf may be one of the cutest snowmen around, he takes the last spot on our list due to his incredible pointy nose. His carrot nose may pose the danger of losing an eye while sleeping... Still, despite running that risk, Olaf is still a pretty "cool" addition to our list.

14. Cheshire Cat ("Alice in Wonderland")

While Olaf's carrot nose may accidentally impale you while you sleep, Cheshire Cat may frighten the faint of heart. Can you imagine waking up to that lovely face?

13. Marie ("The Aristocats")

Number Thirteen goes to my "soul sister." While she may be sassy, she is also adorable enough to make this list...make this list more beautiful, that is!

12. Perry the Platypus ("Phineas and Ferb")

I must confess, I have never been a fan of the television show "Phineas and Ferb" and this Perry Pillow Pet kind of creeps me out.... But, this is a definitive list and Perry received too many favorable comments to exclude him from the list. If you're a fan of this secret agent platypus, you won't be disappointed.

11. Mike Wazowski ("Monsters, Inc.")

For those of us who grew up with the antics of characters like Mike and Sully, this addition highlights Pixar! Mike's zany personality is painfully evident in this design, but adorable just the same. Although, if you have a problem with eye contact, Mike may not be the Pillow Pet for you!

10. Gus Gus ("Cinderella")

If you're a Disney superfan, you will immediately recognize this little guy! If not, brush up on your Disney classics! Gus Gus is one of Cinderella's trusted friends, and he will make a charming addition to your dreaming! After all, "a dream is a wish your heart makes"!

9. Bullseye ("Toy Story")

Bullseye might be just a sidekick in the "Toy Story" franchise, but on this list, he's galloping into the top! Saddle up for the Number Eight, next!

8. Bambi ("Bambi")

Although many of us haven't watched "Bambi" since the movie left us emotionally wrecked at the age of seven, he is a solid pick for Number Eight on our list. Bambi is a cutie, no doubt, but a Thumper Pillow Pet would be hard to beat.

7. Arlo ("The Good Dinosaur")

Arlo claimed a spot on this list before I watched "The Good Dinosaur" - he's just so incredibly cute! After watching the movie (today, actually), I am even more in love with this not-so-little guy.

6. Sven ("Frozen")

"Reindeer are better than people." Or at least Sven may be! He is the perfect friend for Kristoff, and I'm sure he will be for you, too!

5. Minnie Mouse

Mickey's leading lady comes in at Number Five. Every true disney fanatic loves the classic red and white! Add Minnie's bow on top, and this Pillow Pet is the perfect disney memento!

4. Pumbaa ("The Lion King")

In real life (or at least in the animated Pride Lands), Pumbaa may be a little too stinky to warrant a personalized Pillow Pet. But "no worries"; On this list, he has made his way to the top!

3. Eeyore ("Winnie the Pooh")

At times, I think Eeyore could be my spirit animal. On the days when nothing is going your way, curl up with your Eeyore Pillow Pet and hide from the world together!

2. Dumbo ("Dumbo")

Who can deny the lovability of Baby Dumbo? At Number Two, Dumbo flies high above the competition.

1. Lady ("Lady and the Tramp")

Those who know me best will accredit Lady's spot at Number One to my (slightly unhealthy) obsession with Cocker and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. While this may be partially true, Lady received a nearly unanimous vote for first place. Lady is a classic beauty with a classy personality. Maybe that's why she remains best in show - even when it comes to Pillow Pets!

I hope you have enjoyed this list of Disney Pillow Pets! Which was your favorite? Do you have a favorite that didn't make the list? Comment and share!

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