19 Disney Movies Of My Childhood And Yours
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19 Disney Movies Of My Childhood And Yours

"Pull the lever Kronk." "It's a Jolly Holiday with Mary." "Just keep swimming." "Tale as old as time."

19 Disney Movies Of My Childhood And Yours
Disney Wikia

My love of movies goes far beyond my typical romantic comedy genre, and it all began within my childhood obsession of Disney movies. Now not to confuse you, even though these were a large part of my childhood, they are also a large part of my young adulthood. I hope they’ll make it so far within my life that they will be an intricate part of my children’s lives as well.

1. Beauty and the Beast (1991 / 2017)

This has to be one of my all-time favorite Disney movies. Whether it is the live-action remake or the cartoon version that was created many years ago, when I hear Belle singing about her provincial life, I will rush to the couch with a cozy blanket in one hand and a big cup of joe in the other.

My love for this movie probably stems from my own lovely relationship with books and wanting adventure beyond what my mind can create. And I might casually have the soundtrack downloaded onto my Spotify account, but who doesn’t love the sound of a teapot and a candlestick developing harmony?

2. Mulan (1998)

I have to admit that whenever I watch this movie, I transform into a bada** of a woman who would love nothing more than be unleashed onto an army with only her family’s sword in hand. I mean who could watch Mulan and not help but be inspired by her selfless acts to save her father?

And not to mention that she ends up saving the entirety of China, but you know, no big deal. It’s all in a day’s work for a strong woman, a goofy dragon, and a lucky cricket.

3. Mary Poppins (1964)

This movie is an absolute staple in my life. I am a bit of an old soul so I am a complete sucker for older movies, and that definitely includes Mary Poppins. The epic duo that is Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke is unlike any other.

The one is gentle and magical while the other is jolly and entertaining. I know many others will argue that Cinderella or Tangled is their favorite Disney movie, but throughout my twenty years, I have found no other that can match Mary Poppins within my nostalgic heart.

4. Cinderella (1950 / 2015)

Although this movie is not my favorite, I put it on my list because it was one of the Disney movies that I can vividly remember dancing and singing to. I can visualize in my mind now, sitting on my Aunt Pat’s blue-and-white striped couch while singing Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo with her.

And as we all know, it is one of the classics within everybody’s mind. And I do have to say that the live-action remake has remarkable wardrobe and scenery. My best friend Shelby and I both agree that Cinderella’s dress is absolutely breathtaking and something we both want in our closet.

5. The Parent Trap (1998)

For the longest time I was confident that the Lindsey Lohan version of The Parent Trap was the only one created. But lo and behold that a few months ago I discovered the original version and my ignorance was blown to pieces.

Now I do have the unpopular opinion that the Lohan version is better, but I believe it’s because it was a concrete part of my childhood. How could I not prefer the sweet and innocent love story between Dennis Quaid and the late Natasha Richardson?

6. The Incredibles (2004)

The Incredibles was guaranteed the first movie to kick start my love of anything superheroes. From desperately wanting my mom to have elasticity powers and my brother to have super speed to also wanting to be low-key friends with the sassy icon that is Edna Mode.

This movie is a favorite amongst my generation. And don’t try to tell me otherwise because my whole class cheered when my high school teacher played it on the last day of AP Psychology.

7. High School Musical (2006)

I’m sorry, there was no way that this movie was not going to be on my list. And if you claim that HSM was not a part of your childhood then you are a dirty liar, and I’m not sure I can trust you. You can ask my mother just as verification, but I specifically remember coming home, every day, after school and sliding this movie into the DVD slot.

Breaking Free and Get’cha Head In the Game were blasting on the car radio or in my stereo during every waking hour of the day. And after all, we can thank the creators of this movie for developing everybody’s lifelong crush of Zac Efron.

8.Lilo & Stitch (2002)

How could I forget the first movie that introduced me to Elvis Presley? This movie is the most heart-warming film about what a family is really compromised of, even if it isn’t up to society’s standards of normalcy. After all, Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or.

9. The Lion King 1 1/2 (2004)

I am not lying when I say that this movie is really really high up there with my all-time favorites. I even specifically remember watching it with not only my grandma, but my brother, dad, mom, frankly anyone who I could force to sit down with me for an hour and a half and embark on the adventure that is Timon and Pumbaa. I still to this day laugh at every and all punch lines within the plot. It was a definitive part of my childhood, and I hope a part of yours as well.

10. Oliver & Company (1988)

I haven’t met many people who have actually seen this movie and it has been a solid decade since I have, but I remember watching this film for hours and hours on repeat. It is the cutest and grooviest little tale about a kitten eventually finding his way to the most adorable home in the middle of New York City.

11. A Goofy Movie (1995)

We all grew up idolizing the characters such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse. And although they were wholesome and sweet characters, in my humble opinion, Goofy and his son, Max, were a much better option for television. Especially watching them stumble through life together and all the interesting turns it took along the way.

12. The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)

“PULL THE LEVER KRONK!” This epic movie was and still is one of the most creative and original ideas to ever come out of Disney. I mean, how could anyone create a plotline where the pompous emperor gets turned into a llama and manages to squirm his way out of that nasty situation?

I tell you, I definitely couldn’t. But someone managed, and I am so glad they did because they brought us the sinisterly comical duo that is Yzma and Kronk.

13. Max Keeble’s Big Move (2001)

I watched this movie so often as a child that I can remember what the plastic covering for the VHS tape looked like. That’s right, there were no DVD’s - that is how old this movie is. And although I loved this movie, there are very few that I know to this day who have heard of it. So I hope that this movie was a part of your childhood because if it wasn’t, then you really missed out.

14. The Princess Diaries (2001)

Now, I have said in a past article that my heart belongs to Princess Diaries 2 because of Christopher Whitelaw Pine, but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t equally obsessed with the first one when it came out. After this movie, it was everyone’s dream for their grandmothers to tell them that they were in line to control an obscure amount of land somewhere far far away. And I won’t lie, I’m still hoping I get that news whenever my grandma comes to visit.

15. Monsters, Inc. (2001)

I will admit that I was slightly terrified by this movie when I was younger, but also thoroughly entertained by the furry and goofy combo of Sully and Mike. It is every kid’s nightmare of having a monster in their closet or under their bed come true. And even though the scream extractor machine was one part terrifying and two parts horrifying, it was worth sitting through in order to see Mike doing stand-up comedy at the end.

16. Finding Nemo (2003)

This movie is pretty much what sparked every kid’s love for Ellen DeGeneres as she morphs herself into the forgettable fish, Dory. And even though I was 100% shaking in my boots when I saw Nemo’s mom get brutally murdered by that ugly barracuda, it is still the most adorable “tail” of a dad who loves his son enough to travel the depths of the ocean.

17. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)

If you do not remember this movie then I simultaneously feel awful for you and disappointed in you. I recently watched this again through HBO and oh my goodness, it is just as extra and dramatic as I remember it.

It was clearly during Lindsey Lohan’s prime time when nothing she put out was a bad movie. I can still remember watching it on my parent’s couch and developing the same giant crush that Lohan did for Sam.

18. Sky High (2005)

As well as The Incredibles, this movie also jump-started my love for superheroes. It was also the high school that every single kid wanted to attend once they turned into a teenager. I mean classrooms and hallways filled with adolescence that could multiply themselves or control fire? Sounds like a perfect place for a kid who has an overactive imagination.

19. Ratatouille (2007)

Who could not love the adorable rat with the passion for cuisine? Even my best friend, Maren, who cannot stand cartoons in the slightest, is absolutely in love with this movie (but that could also be because she is a major foodie). There is nothing like sitting down for an hour and a half and watching someone’s dreams come true in front of your very eyes – even if they are a rat.

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