Personally, I have always been a huge fan of Halloween. As this years spooky season is upon is, it is looking as if COVID is taking our fun away. With Halloween being cancelled by many towns, I set out to re-watch the Halloween movies that bring the most joy to this beloved season. The three movies I have pulled quotes form come from the best Disney witch movies! Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, and Twitches!
"Fine, but everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by candy companies. It is a conspiracy." (Max)- Hocus Pocus
Well, I mean, you're not wrong there Max.. But it still doesn't change how much we LOVE this holiday!
"Being normal is vastly overrated." (Grandma Aggie)- Halloweentown
Grandma Aggie hit it on the nail on this one. Who would want to be normal? Normal is BORING!!
"I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle." (Thackery Binx)- Hocus Pocus
This quote, will never not make me laugh out loud. I hope you're laughing at Thackery's utter frustration too.
Also can we talk about how ADORABLE Thackery Binx is, cat or human, you can't not love this character.
"I went through some 70's wallpaper that is going to scare me for life." (Illeana)- Twitches
Sorry to any fans of the 70's, but yeah I think I would be scarred too! This line is just too funny.
"I wanna help you fight the bad thing."(Sophie)- Halloweentown
I hope you can hear Sophie saying this with her adorable lisp, because I sure can. You don't even need to re-watch this movie to hear Sophie's absolute adorable-ness when all she wanted to do was help "fight the bad thing". Heart equals melted!
"Wench! Trollup! You bucktoothed, mop-riding, firefly from hell." (Billy Butcherson)- Hocus Pocus
The best insult. Ever given. You can not even argue! Billy calling the witches fireflies from hell, really just hits different.
"You can't go out tonight." (Gwen A.K.A Marnies mom)"Why?" (Marnie)"I have my reasons and I will explain to you when you're taller." (Gwen)- Halloweentown
This quote is the most "mom" statement ever! She really got Marnie on the "I will tell you when you're taller", this scene cracks me up every time... Might even use this line on my kids ones day (after I force them to watch this movie of course!)
"Mom, I'm 13 okay? I'm practically a grown up." (Marnie)- Halloweentown
My 13 year old self would agree... But being 18, Oh, Marnie, honey... You were way off!
Dear self, if you ever said this, take it back! LOL
"Shove it, Satan." (Master's wife)- Hocus Pocus
This needs NO explanation. Best line given by a non-supporting character, not to mention the manor in which she said it. Stand your ground honey, don't let no witchy woman bother your man!
"Being impossible is one of my best qualities." (Camryn)- Twitches
As a woman, I felt this. Like, really really felt this.
"Being horrible is one of my best qualities."(Alex)- Twitches
Alex, following her sister's hilarious accurate statement, replied with this. Maybe not entirely relatable, but it was definetly hilarious!
"Why can't you find a more normal holiday to get hung up on? Like... Arbor day! Trees are important too; you know."(Dylan) "[Rolls her eyes] Halloween is cool, nature boy, it's ancient, it's strange..." (Marnie)- Halloweentown
I love trees as much as the next guy, I mean with out them, human life would cease to exist! But Marnie's point sums it up! Halloween is fun, spooky, and sweet all at the same time. How can one not obsess over Halloween, it is the one time a year we can let our Middle School "emo" phases run wild!
"It's a full moon tonight. That's why all the weirdos are out." (Dani)- Hocus Pocus
I added this quote, simply 'cause it made me laugh. Honestly, it made me laugh the first time I saw this
"Oh, look! Another glorious morning. Makes me sick!" (Winifred Sanderson)
Some days, this is really relatable... I don't know about you, but when it comes to spooky season... The dreary, rainy days simply just hit different! We feel you Wini, we really do!
"Do you have any other flavor besides sarcastic?" (Alex)- Twitches
I found this gem, and honestly.... It's my new favorite insult, may it be yours too!
"Funny thing is, this still isn't the worst thing that's happened to me." (Alex)- Twitches
I tossed this quote in because well, I think I have said this at least 20 (plus) times in my life, and I am sure so many others have too. You're not alone, life just sucks sometimes... but there can always be something worse going on!
"I need one of those instant ice packs. You girls are giving me a fever!"(Bus Driver)- Hocus Pocus
The most savage bus driver of all time, hats off to the writers of Hocus Pocus because this line, was HILARIOUS!
"Dylan, it's rude to stare."(Marnie)"Why don't we talk about how illegal it is to drive with out eyeballs?"(Dylan)- Halloweentown
This may not be relatable, as the other quotes I found have been. But, Marnie and Dylan's banter is so pure and funny. It is the cutest example of sibling arguments, I had to add it in.
"Will you please stop telling people what I mean, I think I know what I mean." (Karsh)- Twitches
Ah, yes! One of the most annoying things someone an do; Speaking for another person. Karsh held his ground though, and gave a line that I am sure we have all wanted to scream at someone before! We feel you Karsh!
"You just double-dipped, you ruined the entire dip- Just go, Just... Go."(Karsh)
I, personally, am not against a double dip. But for anyone that is, you might just really appreciate Karsh's frustration in the double-dipping matter.
"Say what you want! Just don't breathe on me""Maybe you could learn to breathe through your nose?"(Max)- Hocus Pocus
Luckily, feeling someone's warm hot breath on you is a thing of the past (with having to wear masks everywhere we go and all), but this would have been a great line for that one person who enjoyed standing just a bit too close. Here's to hoping, this line may be used once again.
"The opposite of darkness isn't light; it's love." (Alex)- Twitches
This quote had little meaning when I was a wee little girl. But hearing now, being a grown woman who struggles from poor mental health; I could not agree more with Alex's statement. When things are dark and cloudy, it's positivity and good things that one needs, it's love!
"Sisters, All Hallow's Eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes and run amuck!" (Winifred Sanders) "Amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck."(Sarah Sanderson)- Hocus Pocus
I hope you hear and see Sarah Sanderson jumping up and down in her adorable purple dress with her gorgeous blonde locks chanting "Amuck" in a sing song voice. With out this extremely entertaining scene, Hocus Pocus simply would not be the same.