How To: Have The Best Disney Cruise Line Vacation Ever | The Odyssey Online
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Tips and Tricks to Make Your Disney Cruise Line Memories Last a lifetime

Make this vacation count.


What do you get when you mix the fun, magic, and hospitality that we have known to love from Disney with the adventure of traveling and seeing the world? If you add it all up you get... Disney Cruise Line! DCL and I have a solid six-year relationship going at this point, and I don't think I'll be breaking up with them any time soon. I am a Gold Castaway Club Member so that means I have been on five cruises in my lifetime. I've been to places like the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Alaska! Here are a few tips and tricks that I have picked up to make your Disney Cruise Line vacation more enjoyable!

Just like the Walt Disney World theme park in Orlando, Disney Cruise Line also has a mobile app that you can download to your smartphone or device! The DCL app has a countdown until your cruise, tells you how to connect when you get on board, and so many cool features while you are on the ship like a full schedule of events and food menus!

Another thing to utilize before you get on board is the Disney Cruise Line website. You can plan things like Port Adventures, Dining Reservations, Onboard Activities, and Ticketed Events. Sometimes you can even sign up to hang out with your favorite Princesses or Frozen Pals with little to no line!

Another cool thing about DCL is that you can plan vacations to different places around the world. This means you get the Disney experience on the ship and explore cultures around the globe. I personally loved going to Alaska during the summer of 2016 and I recommend it to everyone I talk to DCL about!

The last thing I want to mention is the age-specific areas on board the ship. There are five different programs for kids on the ship, ranging from the nursery, Oceaneers Club, Edge, Vibe, and the 18-20 Society. These spaces are a great place for kids to make friends, hang out with them on the ship, and for parents to escape to the Adult Only areas! The Adult only bars, nightclubs, and lounging spaces are great for guests 18 years and older who want to escape to lounge in the sun, read a book, grab some coffee from the Cove Cafe, or unwind in a uniquely teamed nightclub area. There's so much to do that you'll never be bored!

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