"That's the trouble with the real world, too many people grow up"- Walt Disney
Before I was born, one of my parents hobbies were to buy Disney Movies and anything Disney. They would stay up until midnight and then go to Wal-Mart and buy the latest Disney VHS. When they found out I was a girl, it was time for them to start picking out a theme for a nursery. My Dad made my nursery "The Little Mermaid" themed. Naturally, I have loved Disney since birth. The beautiful thing about Disney is that it teaches us so much.
Alice In Wonderland
The famous phrase, "We are all mad here," tells us that no one is completely sane. When we look around and start trying to get in other people's heads, I believe that is when we truly understand this. There is no true way to explain each human's brain. Yes, there is psychology but even psychology teaches us that nothing in the brain is truly understandable. The only explanation for the human mind is that we are all simply mad.
Peter Pan
When we are young we want to be older. When we are older we are rushing our lives away in the everyday rush of life. Peter Pan made me understand that growing up is a trap. When I ask people what some of their best memories are they either go back to their childhood or it is a memory when they did not act like an adult for once. I believe that as soon as our heart turns as old as we feel, that's when we start to slowly die and decay. I believe that in order to stay happy and feel alive we have to keep our hearts young. This means that deep within our heart we cannot truly become an adult who worries and never has fun. There is a guide for life, but that guide does not say that we must grow up.
Peter Pan also taught me that once we leave the world behind us, we will truly be able to live. We are so caught up in life that we do not stop and enjoy life. Life is a treasure,a gift, a opportunity, and a blessing. We need to stop running through the world and not enjoying our lives.
Another thing that Peter Pan has made me appreciate even more is that dying is not the end, it's the beginning of eternity. God gave us a chance at eternity with him in his Kingdom. We need to truly understand why he gave us that chance, why he gave up his son for us, and why dying is not the end. I know a lot of people that just want to experience their lives and they think that dying is the end. I want to experience life as well, because it is a blessing. Yet, when we die it does not mean the adventure is over because the greatest most purest and exciting adventure is yet to come, and that my friends is an eternity with my Lord and Savior!
Beauty And The Beast
The best moral lesson from Beauty and the Beast is that it makes us realize that looks do not matter in the end. If you think about it, in the movie the Beast was rude and cold. He learned how to care and love and at the end of the movie he became beautiful. I believe that his transformation from the Beast to the handsome prince actually represents his heart. His ugly heart transformed into beautiful one; the beast became the beauty. We should start using this as a comparison to our lifestyles. We should not just go for looks when seeking partners, but we should also look for a beautiful heart.
When I was young, I did not understand why the prince searched far and wide for Cinderella with a glass slipper. It seemed as if he could have had anyone he wanted and I thought he should have just found someone else (Even though i was totally on Cinderella's side and I wanted her to be with the Prince!). Now that I am older, I understand why he searched for her with a glass slipper. He was just trying to find his perfect fit. The night he met her he knew that she was the one that completed him and would help him rule all of the kingdom. In life, we search all over for that perfect fit. Some people try to fit in our very own glass slipper, just like the evil step sisters did, but it just does not work. Therefore, we search far and wide to find that perfect fit. Do not ever settle on someone because you do not think you will find your match, because one day it will all fit into place.
Finding Nemo
Sometimes, life gets us down. We do not get what we wanted or things do not go as planned, but we have to keep moving. Life may give us lemons sometimes but the lemonade that we make from the lemons is pretty good. In the end, everything works out.
Finding Nemo also taught me that home is not a location. A home is how you feel with someone and how you finally feel as if you have been completed. You are finally home.
Toy Story
Toy Story is my personal favorite. I can quote all three movies and I think it is the best work that Disney has ever done.
One thing that Toy Story taught me is that true friends are hard to come by. True friends are the type of friends that will always have your back no matter what, always pick your side even when you don't ask, and will stick with you through thick and thin. Sometimes we think we have found true friends, and then we learn that those people were not necessarily a part of your "true friend" story book. It's okay that they weren't, because it just makes you appreciate the friends that are true. They may be hard to come by, but once you have them you will always have them.
Toy Story also taught me that sometimes our worst enemies can become our best friends. Just because they are your enemy does not mean that they are bad, it just means that you have not seen their best quality yet.
It also taught me that we may get annoyed with our sleepy dogs that won't cuddle with us, but we still love them anyways!
Another thing that it has taught me is that we should always be "Eternally grateful" for the things we receive.
Sometimes, we all get afraid of rejection. It is perfectly normal to feel that way, but we need to stop being so full of fear and start being fearless. Take the rejection and move on, it's not going to kill you.
I will admit, ditzy people get on my nerves. I do not understand how they function, but I am "eternally grateful" that I don't. Toy Story taught me that even the ditzy people find their match, so you can too.
One of the greatest lessons I learned at an early age was from Toy Story. It taught me that we should always reach for "Infinity and Beyond" for our dreams! Our dreams should never be limited, and anything is possible if you just reach for it. So just," Reach for the sky," my friends.
Disney taught me a lot over the years, and I am sure it will keep teaching me many tjhings. I think Dinsey plsayed a huge rle in making me into the person I am today. I love Disney and it will always be close to my heart.