11 Disney Channel Original Movies That Defined Our Childhood | The Odyssey Online
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11 Disney Channel Original Movies That Defined Our Childhood

"Let's watch a Disney Channel movie!"

11 Disney Channel Original Movies That Defined Our Childhood

Growing up there were few things I looked forward to more than watching a Disney Channel Original Movie at 7 p.m. after finishing my homework. Those were the good old days. We all remember the big hits such as High School Musical, Camp Rock, and The Cheetah Girls, but sometimes we forget about a few other movies that we loved as 2000s kids. Here’s a walk down DCOM memory lane.

My Date with the President’s Daughter (1998)

We all dreamed of owning that pink velvet dress and going on a wild adventure like Hallie and Duncan, and how can we forget about that catchy theme song?

Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (1999)

“Zetus Lepetus!” “Zoom zoom zoom make my heart go boom boom!” It’s too bad that sixteen years later there are still no communities living on a space station.

Smart House (1999)

Life seems great for the Cooper family when they win a computerized house, until the house gets a mind of its own. Why has Apple not invented iHouse yet?

Life-Size (2000)

With a young Lindsay Lohan and a Tyra Banks doll, everything about this movie is perfect. Eve taught us so many important lessons about growing up, having self-confidence, and loving life. “Shine bright, shine far! Be a star! Where you live, where you are…be a star!”

The Luck of the Irish (2001)

This movie features lucky gold coins, evil leprechauns, intense clogging, and lots of basketball. Looking back, this movie is nothing short of weird.

Cadet Kelly (2002)

In this hit about change and adjustment, Hilary Duff gets shipped off to military school where she clashes with her officer Jennifer Stone, played by Christ Carlson Romano from Even Stevens. “You’re on my list, maggot.”

Gotta Kick It Up! (2002)

This classic about a dance team defying all odds always left me feeling motivated. “Si se puede! It means ‘Yes I can!’”

Get a Clue (2002)

After watching Lindsay Lohan and her stylish gang solve the mystery of the missing English teacher, I felt empowered to find out who stole my markers in the second grade. I also begged my parents to move to New York City.

Eddie’s Million-Dollar Cook-Off (2003)

Who says a baseball player can’t cook too? What kind of team mascot is a groundhog anyway? This movie features special appearances by Orlando Brown (Eddie from That’s So Raven) and superstar chef Bobby Flay.

Pixel Perfect (2004)

Roscoe, played by Ricky Ullman from Phil of the Future, creates a holographic pop star for his best friend Sam’s band. Being the dumb boy that he is, Roscoe never realizes that he and Sam are meant to be together.

Stuck in the Suburbs (2004)

Why don’t teen pop stars show up to film music videos in my small hometown? Brittany (Danielle Panabaker) and her new friend Natasha (Brenda Song) accidentally switch cell phones with Jordan Cahill.

When things got rough on Mondays in the third grade I knew that I could count on a Disney Channel Original Movie to brighten my day. These movies defined my childhood and set my heart on so many celebrities who, unfortunately, are nowhere now. The phrase, “Let’s watch a Disney Channel movie” will always hold a special place in my heart.

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