As many people in my life may already know, I love to cook. Cooking is an enchanting activity that typically leads to delicious food at best, and mediocre food at worst. Either, way it ends in food and we are all winners. I have to admit, there is something about cooking that I absolutely hate. I hate dishes. Washing dishes is probably the worst chore there is. Honestly, I have no idea how anyone can enjoy such a horrendous activity, but those people exist and the world is a better place because of them.
Let me tell you how the dish washing usually goes in my household. So, I’m having a pleasant meal with my family and life is good. My meal was great, the dinner time talk was enjoyable for the most part (aside from time when my dad decides to try out a new joke that fails so horribly that it is funny) and I’m feeling pretty damn satisfied. And just as dinner comes to an end it transitions into a verbal race between my sister and I. The first to blurt out that they will clear the table is the winner, because the other is left with the task to wash the dishes. And surprise, surprise! I am rarely the winner. *cries for eternity*
Now I get to spend the next hour dragging a soggy sponge through the remnants of food and oils that are caked on the bottom of the pots and pans that were squeaky clean only a few hours ago. But washing the pots and pans is the least of my worries. Oh no, they’re actually the best part. At least I can identify what foods were left behind on those pans. The worst part is washing the plates. That is where the true horror lies. All the food is mixed together and spread across the surface of this plate and it leaves me wondering what kind of animal was eating from it. It’s vile.
Also relatable.
I know what some of you are thinking. “Why don’t you just wear gloves?” Well, it’s not that simple. I have tried wearing gloves while washing dishes and it usually ends in broken glass and a scolding from my mother about washing the dishes more carefully like I already wasn’t trying to be careful with my death grip on the slippery glass.
Overall, I give dish washing a 3/10, would not recomend. It is dangerous, boring and most of all just really disgusting. It also leaves you with pruned hands, and I cannot stand by that.
This is an endorsement for paper plates. Save water, save the earth, and save your hands.