Okay, by the time this is published you will have had PLENTY of time to finish the show Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. If you haven't finished it, be forewarned that MAJOR spoiler lie ahead so stop reading now if that will present an issue. But come on, this ending needs to be discussed because I was just left with my jaw dropped to the floor when I was totally expecting to be a teary-eyed basket case.
So those final words uttered from Rory's mouth may have just changed the game for the beloved show. Those two words, "I'm pregnant," may have just prolonged the show's existence. This is something for all fans to cheer over because there are still so many areas needing clarity. Like, we need to see the full-length Lorelai/Luke wedding, am I right?! I'm still dying to see these flash mobs take place and to know if Luke's Steely Dan song was altered at Lorelai's request.
Also, with Rory's announcement, the father wasn't specified but we can assume that Logan is the father. It's clear that her relationship with Paul wasn't at the point where she would avoid taking precaution with him, so that leaves two options on the table. Logan is the obvious choice because Rory is still very involved with him throughout these 4 episodes despite his engagement to someone else. However, did you notice the way Jess looked at Rory in episode 4 after Luke inquired about whether or not he was over her? He obviously loves her still and that leaves question as to whether or not there was a romance that kindled behind what the writers allowed us to see. This is more of a fan theory but it does pose an interesting perspective.
Also, AYITL leaves a lot of areas that are unclear that would possibly be cleared up if the show were prolonged by Rory's child. All these questions about whether or not Emily is a changed woman or Sookie returns to the Dragonfly or if Kirk has finally found his niche is left for the imagination at this time. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a new series where these questions are answered and expanded on? But the question I really need answered is whether or not Rory and Jess will find their ways back to each other.
What do you think, guys? Will Rory become a national best-selling author? Is it a boy or a girl? Who's the father and will there be a new series? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!