Discovering The Beach In The Dominican Republic | The Odyssey Online
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Discovering The Beach In The Dominican Republic

Two things can ruin a great vacation... arriving early to reserve a campsite and arriving late to have a comfortable vacation. Unfortunately, neither of these things is ever really easy to avoid.

beach dominican republic santo domingo

Traveling to the Dominican Republic is such a joy because there is so much to see and do. There are tropical kilometers, volcanoes, castles and more. However, to fully enjoy your time here you will need to be prepared for both situations.

Arriving early

If you arrive in the city at any time other than sunrise, you are probably going to have a less-than-awful time. No matter how busy the city is, the shortest time you can stay inside its perimeter is five hours. You need to arrive early to grab a spot for the campsite. The earlier you arrive, the more chance you have of finding a good spot.

Being able to get a good spot means being prepared for both heat and cold. The campsite spots in the Dominican Republic are situated where the climate will be even and gentle for your stay. For example, in the biting cold of winter, when you are daring to leave the city behind, remember to pack a sudden change of clothing. Most camping clothes are made inorganic materials which are able to regulate your body temperature and keep it that way. You should also carry with you a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Everybody should carry a small bottle of this to help shield you from thenesses of germs and cuts.

Heat and cold

Well being is a key factor of survival when staying in the outdoors in the cold. So to avoid the dangers of hypothermia and heat stroke bring along a portable heater. Apart from ensuring that the inside of your tent is safe, a portable heater is also able to assure you that the cold outside is not as relentless as it is in the summer.

Make sure that you bring a good amount of firewood with you. Buy more than you need as it is easy to run out of firewood in the winter. Buy more at the end of the season as they cost more and you will not have to worry about them getting wet.

Winter clothes

Everybody knows that in a cold environment wearing clothes is always a good idea. But in the coldest months, wool is the best textile to allow your body to retain heat. In the winter, your arms and shoulders will take in more heat than your legs, so wearing wool is a good idea to guard yourself from the cold. Always carry a spare pair of socks, as wet socks will only make your cold worse.

Snow is a wonderful place to explore in the wintertime. Some people prefer to stay at a campsite in the snow, as it is often warmer than the ground. Although headgear is essential to keeping your head warm, don't make the mistake of wearing too many layers.

Having clothes in layers allow you to have the freedom to move when necessary, while still feeling warm in the evenings.
External Layer- A 3-layer system is a good compromise between wearing too many clothes and not enough. The outermost layer should be one that absorbs moisture well and dries quickly. The middle layer should be comprised of a perhaps a synthetic blend to insulate you from the cold ground. You should also wear a woolen hat or a woolen beanie in the cold winter months.
Besides you should take along a thermal underwear in the winter.

The base layer of underwear should be made of a thermal material to rapidly absorb warmth. Such underwear is ideal to have on in cold but sunny weather. Your neck and head can take in the heat from hectic cold ground much more readily without having to remove the base layer.

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