If you're anything like me, you've already watched "Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again" more than an acceptable number of times. What other movie has beautiful scenery, Swedish pop, and a love pentagon that involves both Colin Firth and Pierce Brosnan? I began to notice that some lessons of the move are similar to those I've learned in my time as a college student, and not just because I (like the rest of the world) desperately want to be like Lily James.
The best things in life happen unexpectedly.
Whether it's a trip to Greece, or singing with your friends at a karaoke bar on the weekend, the best moments tend to come when you're not looking for them. Don't let fear stop you from missing them. So suck up whatever fear you have and do something a little crazy.
Hit the road.
Not to be THAT girl who studied abroad... but I mean... it worked for Donna. Even if it's a mini road trip, taking the time to go somewhere new is good for the soul.
Carbs ARE, in fact, a feasible solution to problems.
Whether you need baklava to help you get over a boy, or you need a Zaxby's kickin' chicken sandwich to stress eat during finals, carbs are always there for you. And they always will be. Thank you, carbs.
Put your overalls on and keep your head up.
You are, in fact, a dancing queen. There will be days when you forget to turn in a paper. There will be days when your card gets declined at McDonalds (I speak purely from personal experience). Heck, you may even be in a sequel that, realistically, has a super high number of plot-holes (do I care? No. Still a great movie). But you are, in fact, still a dancing queen.
Woman up and tell the truth.
Donna told Sam, a guy she literally just met, that she wanted them to live together on a Greek island. What a woman. All it takes is a little bit of courage to say what needs to be said. You'll be glad you did it. You could end up on a beautiful island with a beautiful architect. That hasn't necessarily been my experience, but that doesn't mean it can't be yours.
Boys are the worst... until they're the best.
Just when you find out the truth about Sam and swear off boys for eternity, Bill shows up on a boat, flips his perfectly messy hair, and you're hooked (nautical pun intended).
Your girl squad has the power to help you through a hot architect breaking your heart.
So maybe I don't relate to this specific example, but I can definitely attest to the power of the girl squad. And if you're really lucky, your girl gang will stick with you well past the peak of donna and the dynamos.