“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” This quote from Brad Henry accurately describes the life of a teacher, and perfectly depicts why I can’t wait to teach! From the moment that I entered my first day of preschool, to the day that I first learned to read, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. Of course, there were times that I told myself and other people that I would be a doctor, traveler, or lawyer, but I always came back to the profession of teaching.
It’s always interesting me because when I tell people that I’m going into education, I get one of two responses. I’m either greeted with a smile and a, “Oh, that’s so great! Good for you!” Or, I get a nod and the, “Oh, well I could never do that. You know you’re going to be poor, right?” Regardless of the comments made to me, I ALWAYS answer with a statement of how excited I am to touch lives and make a difference in the lives of children. To me, money is minor but the amount of time and effort that we put into students (whether they are 5 years old and just entering kindergarten or 18 and ending their high school career) is so incredibly important. With the right amount of time and effort put into each student, everyone will have the power to succeed with the goal that they set their mind and heart towards.
Along with touching lives, I am so excited to be a lifelong learner. There are new things to learn every day, and in order to keep up with students, the technology used, and other ideas, teachers get to continue their education throughout their entire career. I’ve always loved learning and uncovering new ideas, so this thought makes me so beyond excited!
Of course, there are the more “fun” reasons that I’m pumped to teach. I mean, I get to set up my own classroom! I get to decide where the students’ desks go, what to put in my library and math centers, and how to decorate my own personal desk. Not to mention finding a theme for my classroom, which I may or may not already have chosen.
I get to form new relationships with my administrators, my fellow teachers, and of course, my students.
I get to experience a new situation every day, and I get to enter my “workplace” not knowing exactly what to expect for the day. For many people, this would terrify them, but for me (and more than likely all educators) it thrills me to know that no day will be the same, and I get to think on my feet as I enter work each day.
Teaching our students is something that should not be taken lightly. It’s a field of study that is ever-changing and exciting, and I’m so honored to be entering this field! I can’t wait to see what my career will hold, and I’m even more excited to uncover more reasons as to why teaching is the best job in the world!
“We are not just teachers, we are the managers of the world’s greatest resource: children.” -Robert John Meehan