“Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it.”
- Jim Rohn.
I find it mind-boggling that most people in this world take their most valuable commodity in life for granted. Time is the only thing in this world that is fair to every single person. Excluding your first and last day on this marvelous planet, every individual has exactly 24 hours a day. We have all either heard someone say, “There is not enough time in the day” or we have said it ourselves. The cold hard truth is that there is more than enough time in the day to get what you need done, but you probably just value sleep and non-productive activities more than what you should be doing. If you’re one of those people who believe that 24 hours is not long enough, you need to evaluate what exactly it is that you do in a day. Moreover, there is one major difference between successful people that you idolize and the person you look at in the mirror each day.
Where most people go wrong in managing time is not focusing in on the 24 hours that they have in front of them. People are too busy looking at tomorrow, next week, next year, five years from now, and so on. This is a major distraction and it limits your time as well as pushing your dreams further away. If you can’t manage one day, how would you expect to look forward five years from now and assume that it will all work itself out? So, let’s take a closer look at time.
1 Day: 24 hours
1 Week: 168 hours
1 Month: 720 hours
1 Year: 8,640 hours
4 Years (College): 34,560 hours
78 Years (Average lifespan): 673,920 hours
Life can sometimes feel like we have all the time in the world to do what we want/need to do; So we make up excuse after excuse and put things off until later. When in reality if you look at life in just hours, it will alter your perspective of how valuable time really is. Sleep begins to feel non-important, watches become a necessity, and that frat party that you planned to black out at seems like a waste. You can never get time back. Once it is spent, it is gone forever. You should start thinking about how important your dreams are to you at this point.
If you are the person that sleeps eight hours a day, that means you are only working with 16 hours a day to be successful. Depending on how the rest of your day looks, you may have only about four-to-seven hours to be successful. The very people you idolize that “made it” go by the hours instead of the days, months, and years. Furthermore, once you are aware your time and how you are spending it, you already have a better understanding of life.
We all have dreams and goals. We all wonder how are we going to accomplish them, and when. One must first know that success is very intentional and deliberate. Your dreams are very dependent upon how you spend your time each and every day. If you aren’t seeing any success in your life you need to remember that if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.
So ask yourself the question:
What are you going to do with your time?