What is Weight Loss Counseling?
Weight loss counseling could aid you in establishing the specific mental and emotional disorders that affect your weight control. Changing your eating and exercise practices, as well as understanding your thoughts towards food, could help you manage weight more effectively.
To attain the best outcomes, Dr. Suri blends behavioral therapy into your weight counseling regimen. He providers customized exercise programs, physical and medical tests, diet training, and many more.
Dr. Suri explores your existing eating habits and nutrition knowledge to identify your wholesome approach towards food. He then helps you establish what behaviors inhibit your weight loss efforts, for instance, eating sugary foods.
What is the Meaning of Trigger Foods?
Trigger foods are foods that entice you to overeat or binge. These foods cause cravings and mostly draw an emotional attachment to that specific food. Dr. Suri assists you in finding nice ways to handle these urges. It can include cognitive methods to keep them off public meetings, entirely removing them from your home, and opting for alternative, healthier meal options.
Dr. Suri primarily targets improving mindfulness, nutritional counseling, and behavioral interventions to manage the urge towards trigger foods. Mindfulness comprises being proactive, thinking, and concentrating on your meal choices. It helps you tune in to your brain's natural cues of satiety and hunger.
Subjecting yourself to unhealthy and tempting foods might enhance your ability and power to reject with time.
What Precisely is Medically Assisted Weight Loss?
Even though exercise and diet remedies provide short-term outcomes, many persons end up regaining the lost weight. But with medically supervised weight loss, you can enjoy lasting results gradually and safely.
Dr. Suri prepares individualized weight loss programs for every person, depending on their specific criteria. These may include the age, lifestyle, health history, and objectives the patients want to achieve with treatment. He will support and guide you through every stage of your weight loss journey and develop ways to avoid regaining it.
What Kind of Results Should You Expect From A Weight-Loss Program?
When it comes to the rate at which persons lose weight, everyone is unique. It is hugely dependent on your current age, starting weight, and discipline level regarding dieting. Nevertheless, under Dr. Suri's care, you can safely and effectively attain your desired body.
At Nova Physician Wellness Center, the goal is to help you lose weight and enhance your wellness. Find out more about weight loss counseling and how you can benefit from it by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Suri through mobile or book online today.