National Park Service, you don't look a day over 50! It has, in fact, been 100 years (on August 25, 2016) since the National Park Service Organic Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, making the National Park Service an official agency of the United States Department of the Interior. The Act states that the Service is charged with the task of promoting and regulating the use of Federal areas such as parks and monuments. Part of the "regulating" includes conservation of the scenery and natural and historic landmarks as well as the wildlife that reside in and around them. The most important part of the Act states the purpose of the Park Service is to provide for the enjoyment of future generations. The NPS literally exists to keep nature beautiful and safe. What a better cause?
Sadly, in the past few decades, the number of visitors to these National Parks have steadily decreased. Experts believe this may have to do with a lacking emphasis on outdoor play with children of newer generations and a higher interest in indoor activities and electronic distractions. So, what a better time to get back to our roots? With reported levels of anxiety and depression at all time high, it is apparent that the United States needs a nice, big hit of nature. Humans are animals. We need green space to recharge in a way that cords and batteries can't. For 100 years now, the National Park Service has been maintaining just such spaces for us to enjoy.
The NPS is hosting a variety of activities for both adults and children in honor of this special celebration. Kids can become a "Centennial Junior Ranger" by completing the activity booklet found at their website, and for collectors, the NPS has released special, limited edition Centennial stamps and coins. They have also put into effect a number of programs to increase funding for their second century of work.
The National Park Service exists for us. Show them a little love by paying a visit to one of their 412 locations (that's more than 84 million acres to explore) or throw them a donation so they can continue to provide green spaces for the United States population for another 100 years and beyond!