Actually, I can. This is probably one of my favorite statements that I've stumbled across on Pinterest lately. The moment I read those words, it sparked a change in how I approached challenges, or my days. Despite doubts or fear, I have the power to look them in the face and decide that I am 100 percent capable of overcoming the impossible.
Big dreams come with fear and include the oh so delightful voice of indecision. Those voices will do their best to convince you that you are not the type of person who can accomplish your goals, but when you acquire the mindset that tells you you're able, you will discover a fire and bravery within you that will drive you to shut out those doubts and fears.
Regardless of your age, your degree, or your career, you have the full ability to chase your dreams and discover your ambitions. The direction your life will take is in your full control. All of the visions in your wildest imagination could be achieved by that one simple belief that you can. You are capable and you are able to achieve everything you've ever dreamed of achieving.
The empowerment of confidence and of belief can serve your endeavors well. Light will shine through all you do and no one will be able to miss the confident belief that you feel capable. Don't allow negative thoughts to take over your life as you venture into the dreams you were meant to live out. It may take some conscious effort to remind yourself you are capable, but once you grow into a place of belief, you will find every leap of faith becomes just a simple step.
Discover the direction you want to go in and pursue it with the utmost confidence.