This isn't a post to rant about how Donald Trump won the presidential election and how Hillary Clinton did not. I'm not as disappointed in that as much as I am disappointed in the American people.
To my surprise, I found out that about half of the citizens in the United States chose to not vote for this year's presidential election. Many people claimed that they just "did not care" or that they "did not like either opponent" but what really shocked me was the fact that people did not vote yet they complained saying "Hillary should have won. Not Donald Trump."
................................................ um you should have voted.
As American citizens, we are extremely privileged to be able to have a voice in what goes on in our country. Who we choose to run our country is EXTREMELY important and for those who "do not care" sorry but that's REALLY sad that you do not care about who runs our country and what their plans are to do with it.
Let's say that your parents are paying ridiculously high property taxes and you might actually lose your house over it... and one candidate wants to help lower taxes and the other candidate does not. Obviously, you will want to choose the candidate who wants to try and fix the problem that your family is facing. So to say that you don't care about who will run your country to make decisions that will affect YOU and your family sounds absolutely insane and makes you look extremely ignorant.
I'm not saying that you have to love a candidate to vote for them because let's be real... it was really hard to love the candidates this year because we were not given the best ones but if you just sit down for a few minutes and listen to what they want to do in order to help you, your family, and our country, maybe... JUST MAYBE you will understand how important it is to have a say in who should win over the other candidate.
If you did not want to vote because you simply did not care about which candidate won... hey it's whatever. I still think that you should have voted but that's your problem. HOWEVER, for the people who did not vote and are complaining that Hillary should have won and Donald Trump should not have won... just do yourself and our country a favor and vote next time because although people think that it does not matter... I can guarantee you that it really does.
Overall, congratulations to Donald Trump for winning the presidential election this year. Hopefully, he will realize the issues that our country is facing and utilize his position to be able to improve them. As for the citizens of the United States, for those who voted, thank you. For those who did not vote, I hope that next time the presidential election comes, you will exercise your right to vote.