I am 20 years old. I am a college student. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a friend. I am supporter of our troops. I am a supporter in democracy and American freedom. I am a child of God. I am an American citizen and I am disappointed.
I live in the greatest country in the world. Though, if I am being honest with you I do not think we are acting like it. We are acting like children. We are being mean, aggressive, and we are being small.
I understand, people are upset. I am upset! I am upset that as Americans we have allowed this to happen. When did we stop having morals? When did we forget how blessed we are to live in a country where freedom and democracy exist. How did we allow two crooks and two liars into the race of what we call our race to presidency? This is on us. This is our fault. It is not Donald Trump’s fault that he won in the primaries. It is not Bernie Sanders fault that he did not beat Hillary Clinton. It is not Hillary Clinton’s fault that she lost on November 8. This is our fault. This is on us. I have seen complaints about BOTH candidates. Do you ever think this would have never happened if we as a country did not vote for them in the first place? Do you ever think this would have never happened if we as a country, took the initiative in the primaries to elect two candidate who we could believe in and who we could trust? This is our fault and I do not feel bad for ANY of you.
Stop acting like children. Get off Facebook, stop tweeting, and stop using social media as an outlet for your anger. You are an adult and you need to practice self-control. Have you noticed it has been less than a week and the only people causing hate is the American people? We are creating hate and destruction that in no way shape or form needs to be present in anyone's life. You as an individual cannot control the future, nor can you predict it. Stop acting like the world is ending. It is not. You are going to wake up another day. As far as you know Trump could turn out to be the best president we have ever had. Is that unlikely? Yes, it is unlikely but as far as we know Clinton could have been the worst. We do not know what is going to happen or what could’ve happened. It is over. We need to move on. We need to start acting like adults again.
I am disappointed to say the American people are turning themselves against each other. The American people are creating hatred. Not Trump. Donald Trump has not personally made you burn the American flag. Donald Trump has not made you hate the African American sitting next to you in class. Donald Trump has not made you post your political views on Facebook to cause a fight. You have chosen to do these things. YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SPREAD HATE. Who cares if your neighbor voted for Trump? Does that mean you have to stop saying hello when you see them? No it does not! Your husband voted for Clinton. Does that mean you have to get a divorce? NO IT DOES NOT. As American citizen we have the right to vote. As American citizens we have the right to voice our opinions. We have the right to our own thoughts. Stop criticizing other people, stop losing friendships over politics, and stop creating an atmosphere of destruction.
It is time to stop. Stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Stop acting like this is end of the world. We as a country have better things to do. We have children to educate, we have diseases to cure, laws to pass, and we do not have time to hate each other. Come together as adults, as children of God, and as American Citizens and create an America that I would again, be proud to be a part of.