Dear everyone who disagrees with me,
I would like to start this letter off by letting you know that I fully respect you as long as that respect is mutually given. Do not treat me as if I am of less intelligence than you just because we cannot agree, and do not make me feel inferior for that reason either.
Out of the seven billion people on this Earth do you really expect everyone to have the same views as you? You shouldn't.
So with that being said, why do you want to argue with me over our indifference? Have you ever heard of the term "agree to disagree?" How about we just do that instead. I do not understand why you think that the more you push your views on me, the more I will feel the same way. In fact, you are doing the exact opposite and I feel as though I now have more reasons to disagree with you.
Although, if you feel as if you HAVE to discuss this issue with me, then let's approach it in a nondemeaning way. You see, the best way for us to accept our differing opinions is to be able to explain our thought process. For example, if your reasoning is so profound that it trumps my reasoning, then I am more than willing to rethink my original stance. Though on the contrary, if you can't back up your belief then your argument is invalid, so drop it.
Honestly, why would you want to view an issue a certain way, but not have the means to support your idea? That makes no sense to me. If we are going to hold our ground on something, it should be meaningful and easy to justify. I do not care if someone very influential to you such as a parent, boss, coach or teacher believed in it, that doesn't mean you should also. Maybe you should question that person you look up to, the one who put the ideas in your head, and see why they think that way. Only then you can truly see whether or not it reflects your inner thoughts.
Most importantly, do not uphold ideals that you don't fully understand yet, because that causes you to unintelligently misrepresent yourself.
Although, overall I want you to know that it is okay for us to disagree. In fact, I encourage it. There are so many philosophies, religions, political views etc. out there, it would be limited to our society if we all saw everything the same way.
Therefore, I challenge you to find the reasons why you believe the things you do and for you to learn different viewpoints that you could adopt as your own. I believe that if you disagree with me, you are only wrong if you do not truly understand what you are saying. So, from now on let's become educated about our opinions and learn how to respectfully and intelligently disagree.