Dirty South - infamous for being... dirty. It is known among Ohio University students as the worst green to live on, and yet it's really not that bad. Here are some of the truths about living on Dirty South and some of the LIES people tell just to scare unlucky students who get the last pickings of the dorms.
1. It's haunted
Sure, there may be weird scratchy sounds coming from the attic, but those are just the bats! Not ghosts! Matinence will have those little critters evicted before long. No need to call the Ghost Busters. And if you catch them flying around your hall on snap chat, you'll instantly get internet famous. So there's that.
3. The bathrooms are disgusting
Well MAYBE if SOME PEOPLE didn't DUMP THEIR FOOD IN THE SINKS this wouldn't be a problem! And if people didn't FLUSH THEIR PILLOW CASES DOWN THE TOILET it wouldn't get clogged every weekend! Or if we remembered to leave the door OPEN after a shower MOLD wouldn't grow in there! (Wear shower shoes, kids.)
4. The water will kill you
Not even a little bit true. Yeah, it smells bad and tastes a little funky, but as long as you refrigerate it you shouldn't have a problem. It's perfectly safe (as of 2018).
5. The bugs
Think of an Ohio bug. Any Ohio bug. It is most likely going to be in your dorm at least once while you are living in Dirty South (sadly not the particular bug pictured above, however).
Yes, Dirty South has some flaws, but I promise you that you'll live. It gives you some perspective and makes you thankful that you don't have to live in a college dorm forever. It also gives you the permission you need to make fun of people who live in Jeff. Those posh little shits have a RECEPTIONIST among other things. Who needs that!?