The classic 1987 film Dirty Dancing tells a classic story in which Jennifer Grey (Baby) and Patrick Swayze (Johnny) fall in love. However, the film is SO much more than that. Here are the 10 reasons why Dirty Dancing is the greatest movie ever made.
One: The movie deals with real life issues.
Okay, I know what you are thinking, and yes, technically this is a movie about falling in love and dancing, but these characters are going through so much more! Penny is pregnant with a child she can't have, Johnny comes from nothing and fears he will never be good enough for something real, Baby lies to her parents and struggles with social awkwardness. Dirty Dancing is a perfect example of how a movie can be cinematic yet real. So yes, they dance and fall in love, but they've also got problems.
Two: Patrick Swayze
I don't even think this reason needs an explanation. LOOK AT THAT MAN. Not only was he a professionally trained dancer, but he also acts, and when you think he couldn't get any better, HE SINGS. What more could a woman ask for?! Patrick Swayze was a literal icon. Just listen to She's Like The Wind, you'll understand.
Three: No one pretends that they are perfect
Like I said before, these characters were dealing with real-life issues throughout the movie. So yeah, they made some mistakes, but so do REAL LIFE people. No one is perfect, not even Johnny or Baby.
Four: The soundtrack is music to your ears
You know what I'm talking about, I've Had The Time of My Life, Be My Baby, In The Still of the Night, and Hungry Eyes. This soundtrack created the music of a decade. Although the movie is set in the 1960s, they made the soundtrack relevant to the 1980s the '90s and so on. Oh, and Hungry Eyes. I mean, come on, who could hate that song?
That beautiful, beautiful lift. Not only is it done once, but twice. TWO TIMES PEOPLE. Not only is it beautiful, but it shows the real trust and connection between Baby and Johnny.
Six: "Nobody puts Baby in the corner"
Not only is this one of the most iconic quotes of ALL TIME. But, it's all about female empowerment. Baby isn't the same girl she used to be, and nobody puts this strong woman in the corner. Get out of the corner Baby, you got this girl.
Seven: It displays the difficulty of child-parent relationships
So let's talk about a major plotline in this movie, that being the relationship between Baby and her dad. They disagree, they get mad at one another, they fight, they don't talk to each other, but, in the end, they work it all out and support one another. That is real life people, we may not always agree with our parents, but hopefully, it all works out in the end.
Eight: The best last dance EVER.
I mean talk about a memorable ending. Not only does Johnny sweep Baby off her feet (both figuratively and literally) but he basically displays his love for in front of her family and friends in dance form. This final dance makes the whole movie worth watching.
Nine: It showed us how to properly sneak into a party
This is my absolute favorite scene from the movie. Baby, being the socially awkward girl she is, sneaks into the employee's only "dance" party by carrying a watermelon. So next time a bouncer won't let you in, grab the nearest watermelon and you are on your way.
Ten: AND FINALLY, Baby and Johnny fall in love.
After everything is said and done, Dirty Dancing is a love story, and I have to admit that it is one of my favorites. After all the trials, Baby and Johnny found love through dance, and I think that's pretty sweet.