7. Gorge yourself like Estonians. | The Odyssey Online
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12 Ways New Year's Eve Is Celebrated Around The World, In Case You Don't Have Someone To Kiss At Midnight

Every culture recognizes the value of starting fresh. A "new beginning of possibilities" mindset is often a healthy motivation for hope and progress.

12 Ways New Year's Eve Is Celebrated Around The World, In Case You Don't Have Someone To Kiss At Midnight
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In the U.S.A., we have a tradition of toasting champagne or pecking your partner as the clock strikes midnight. But this practice is not an option for everyone, so here are some other options to ring in the new year.

1. Munch on 12 grapes.


To Spaniards, you can eat twelve grape in order to give your next twelve months luck and prosperity.

2. Take a stroll with an empty suitcase. 


I would recommend this one if you have a real travel-bug! In a few South American nations like Paraguay, Chile, and Colombia, walking around with a suitcase means you will have a year chock-full of travel and adventures ahead.

3. Throw your plates against the wall.


In Denmark, this seemingly violent tradition brings a good energy for luck for funky friendships in the next 365 days.

4. Fling a big bucket of water out of your window. 


Traditionally, Puerto Ricans will cleanse the home of negative energy by throwing buckets of water out the window to wash away the terrible juju or regrets of the last year.

5. Or, you can throw old furniture out the window.


In some parts of South Africa, people will actually yeet their fridges or chairs out of tall buildings to expel bad luck and start their new year brightly.

6. Slurp some lentil soup.


For Brazilians, Lentils represent the alimentos do dia, designed to help with money troubles.

7. Gorge yourself like Estonians.


Have your own mukbang on NYE if you buy into the legend that dictates that the holiday should be celebrated with a lucky number of meals, with either seven, nine, or twelve plates. However many meals you choose, you're said to have the tenacity of that many people.

8. Slip on some red underwear. 


According to Italians, this will bring you luck in your search for love.

9. Watch fireworks and give cash to kids.


The firework was invented in China, so people in this country love to celebrate this holiday with a dazzling display of pyrotechnics while parents give their cute children allowance in red envelopes for financial luck of the entire family.

10. Flick the lights off. 


In Greece, families begin the big countdown and turn off the lights so that they can start the new year with clear eyes and full hearts (so they can't lose).

11. Resolve conflicts with your pals. 


In Japan, you cannot (in good conscience) start a new year with emotional baggage piled up from the last twelve months of your dramatic life. Buddhists especially emphasize this mindfulness, so they can start the new year with a clean slate.

12. Have a bonfire. 


In Scotland, many folks burn away the bad decisions of the past year so their new selves can metaphorically rise from the ashes.

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