When someone says, "I'm unplugging from the world for awhile," you pretty much know that means they are going to disconnect try to disconnect from social media, their phones and the hustle and bustle of this crazy, connected world in general. They just need some "me" time. Whenever people begin to feel overwhelmed and maybe confused about who they are, this is usually the "go-to". This is completely fine and quite honestly, necessary nowadays! But just recently, I came to the realization that there might be something important we're all forgetting about.
So, what I'm going to tell you guys now is: don't rush to make someone hide your phone from you just yet.
This last week, I was on a family vacation. Bare with me here, people. I know for some of you, these vacations are far from your favorite, but they are in fact valuable. The step of unplugging we are missing is the time spent with family. This applies to pretty much anyone, but especially to the 20-somethings out there. We get so caught up in trying to create the life we want, becoming intensely connected to everything and everyone around us and are just so busy, that we sometimes lose sight of who we are and what we really desire. Whenever this happens to me, I always start to second guess myself. "Am I making the right decisions for what path I want to pursue?", "Is this who I am?", "What the heck do I want for lunch?", "I mean...for a future career."
What I hadn't realized in a long time until this week, is that family members are the ultimate diffusers of stress, questioning and the feeling of being overwhelmed. These are the people who taught us pretty much everything we know. They made sure we knew right from wrong at a young age, they cheered us on no matter what and despite what we may believe, they know us better at our core than anyone else (besides our soulmate best friend right?). These are the people who made us who we are today: successful in our very own ways, confident in ourselves and prepared to do whatever we set our minds to.
I'm not saying just give up and give into your phone addiction or don't take any time for yourself. This also doesn't mean schedule as many family vacations as possible, but the next time you start questioning yourself or you start feeling the heaviness of your workload, call up a family member and make some time for them. Heck, start making it something you just do throughout your week or every couple weeks. Choose to unplug with them. You will never be stronger than the times spent with your biggest fans and supporters by your side.
Get back to those roots full of love, people.