Every family vacation is unique in its own way, but most of them go through similar stages. Whether you are heading to the Bahamas or driving to a family reunion, family vacations are always something to look forward to.
Counting down
The anticipation can be a killer. The days before you leave can seem to drag and drag. 58 days…16 days…10 days….3 days…6 hours….36 minutes….1 minute and 7 seconds
This is an intense stage. Some people have a tendency to accidentally over pack but who knows you might need that shirt that you haven’t worn in 9 months. What to wear? Toothbrush. Sunscreen. Tweezers? Underwear. Shoes. Shampoo. A book? Hat? Maybe a visor too? The turkey roast in the fridge? Sure, why not.
Loading up
This is where everyone runs around the house like a chicken with their head cut off. Oh God where’s the keys? Do we have all of the children? We need to go back we forgot the dog.
Hittin’ the road
And we’re off! This can be both a fun yet painful experience. You sure get a lot of family bonding in, but being trapped in a car for 6+ hours can bring the good, the bad and sure as hell the ugly.
The Arrival
You and your family finally made it. Everyone is tired from the road trip and getting settled in but no one wants to look weak so everyone keeps up the good energy and positive vibes. AND YOU'RE SO EXCITED CAUSE YOU MADE IT!
“The Good Stuff”
This is the exciting part of the vacation. This would include all of the fun adventures and relaxing that goes on during vacation. This could be something like doing an excursion like snorkeling, hiking, or something simple like playing cards with your family. Either way this is what you might consider the main part of the vacation. Lots of fun and laughter happens in this stage.
The End is Near
This is the stage where the vacation is starting to end. You’re enjoying the last day of your vacation but you are ready to head home. It has been fun but you and your family have been up close & personal all week and you’re ready to get back to some independence. But then you think about going back to the real world and you enter a denial phase
The Way Home (AKA the Appreciation stage)
It’s the long drive back. Everyone is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. Mentally preparing themselves to head back to work and responsibilities. As those thoughts roll into your head, you also start to think about how lucky you are to have gone on such a vacation. Even though you may be frustrated, annoyed, and tired, it is hard to be unappreciative when you now have so many new memories and moments that will be engraved in your mind.
Home Sweet Home
You have arrived home and vacation is over. Back to the real world, but it makes it a little bit more bearable after your week of fun. Because without the hard work, there would be no fun. Vacation was awesome, but it sure feels good to climb into your own bed.
Until next time family vacation, xoxo