"I'm going through a season of..."
"In this season I'm..."
But man, can we be honest?
Some seasons suck.
They're hard. They hurt. They aren't fun. Sometimes they don't even seem to have a purpose.
But that's when I find it so beautiful to reflect.
Because if I'm being honest, I've been through several seasons where I felt hurt. Seasons where I felt broken. Seasons where I can remember waking up every hour on the hour hoping everything was a dream. Crying myself back to sleep when I realized that it wasn't. Physically feeling the pain in my chest as my heart broke. Genuinely believing that I would never be okay again. That I would "fake it til I make it" forever.
I've been there. I've felt that.
And you know what? I look back fondly on those seasons.
Because I'm healed now.
Now, I'm okay. I'm more than okay, actually. I'm joyful. I'm happy. I'm content. I love the place that I'm in.
And I love to look back and see what God did in those seasons. To look back and see how He was there in my heartbreak.
He wasn't just waiting at the end, he was meeting me there in the midst.
He was hurting with me. He was crying with me.
And now? Now I'm in a very similar season. The heartbreak might not be as severe or dramatic because I'm not 17 anymore - but pain is pain and hurts still hurt.
But I know I'll be okay.
On the darkest nights, in the saddest moments, I still have joy.
God is with me. He is here.
He's healed me before, and He will heal me again.
That's such a sweet thing to realize, a sweet thing to trust in.
He's with you, too. He'll heal you, too.
If you let Him.
Everything will be okay. I can promise it, because I've lived it.
"...for everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven..." -ecclesiastes 3:1