There are so many four letter words we’re taught not to say. Bad words. Dangerous words. Words that hurt people’s feelings and are vulgar and gross. Yet perhaps the most beautiful word in the English language is also a four-letter word: Love. This simple word takes on so many different meanings throughout our lives, from the time we’re young we know what it means. We spend our lives finding new definitions and feelings of love.
It’s likely the first love we feel is from our parents. My mom is my best friend, she’s been there since day… well nine months before day one. I can’t imagine loving anyone the way that I love my mom. It’s a spring day kind of love… joy and happiness and flowers. Sometimes it rains. We are so similar that we clash and argue. We have the exact same buttons so we know what to push. But inevitably, the sun rises and there’s a rainbow and we will never not come back to each other. My Dad has a protective kind of love. It’s not sunshine and rainbows and bunnies all the time. It’s a brick wall with a fuzzy coating. I know he’d do anything for me. I know he’s built his life around protecting mine. His love is sturdy. Stable. However, if I really need a little softness, it’s difficult to find but it’s there.
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The second kind of love we might feel is that of a true friend. Fickle friends come and go, but certain people will be closer than blood, and when you find them you know. This love is rare and difficult to find. I was lucky and met my truest best friend when we were in sixth grade. She is truly my better half. Our love is like the summer. Bright and beautiful and warm. Adventurous and fun, long days and late nights, no fear of anything as long as we have each other. When those thunderstorms roll in, we hold each other close and make jokes each time the lightning strikes. We wait it out together. Even if we can’t physically be together I’ve never felt alone. Because I know that our love is strong enough, so we will always make it through.
The other kind of love we experience is romantic love. This is where love gets complex. Mostly because there’s another four-letter word that people tend to confuse it with. Lust. Love and Lust are not the same thing. I understand how this can be confusing. Emotions are wild, difficult to tame, and sometimes truly difficult to interpret. But getting love and lust confused is a dangerous thing and it will lead to heartbreak. Lust is like Winter. It’s alluring. The snow looks like crystallized sugar on bare trees, colored lights make everything glow. Warm fires and Christmas tales. When the winter snowstorm hits, and trust me it will, will they be there? Once the fire goes out, and it’s ice cold. You’ll be alone. That’s lust. Love is Autumn. Cozy sweaters and beautiful colors. Long drives with music through the woods, roasting smores and caramel apples. Going to haunted houses and grabbing your loves arm as your heart skips a beat. Love is that safe warm feeling snuggled up with a good book and a cup of tea on a brisk fall day with the person you’ll never want to be away from. Love is comfort. Never questioning yourself around that special person, and never feeling alone when they’re gone. Love is passionate, and exciting. True love is a perfect Autumn day.
Throughout your life you will experience this strange and beautiful thing we call love. In many ways, in every season, you will experience different types of love. It’s the most human emotion we have. When we love others, we don’t always receive it back. But we can try our best. We can love our fellow humans, and teach them to love us. It’s the best four-letter word of them all.