First, there was courting. Then there was dating. And now, there's "just talking."
When did this "talking" phase become a relationship status to claim publicly?
For those who are unaware of this phase (I'm looking at you, parents), this what "we're just talking" means:
First off, it's juvenile. Plain and simple. It's a phase exclusively occupied by millennials (high schoolers and college kids) that lets young adults hide behind phones and cute words of flirtation without having to commit or formally date a person. Basically, it's a relationship that progresses with no titles and many exit ramps that allow for the commencement to come quick and painless, because "if you're not actually dating, you don't actually need a breakup."
Characteristics Of "Just Talking"
1. My significant other and I are going to text, talk on the phone, befriend each other on social media, and hang out both alone and in groups.
Note: While in groups, we will act flirtatious but not engage in relationship-type interactions (kissing, holding hands, pet names, etc.).
2. We will be VERY clear that there are no titles. No girlfriends, no boyfriends, no titles at all.
However, although we don't have titles, there will still be rules:
a) We are talking to each other exclusively, even though we have made it clear that we are not exclusively dating as boyfriend and girlfriend.
b) Things that are said, questions that are asked, jokes that are shared, you can not do with anybody else.
c) I will get upset when we are "talking" and you make moves on someone else.
In summation, the "talking" phase gives both parties the exclusive rights to speak to each other in a couple-esque way, but there is no definite lines/boundaries set for where the relationship begins and ends.
The Talking Phase vs. Friends With Benefits
By ignoring the title of this article and just reading the characteristics of the relationship described above, one could argue that it resembles the classic Friends With Benefits relationship.
Case(s) in point:
- No boyfriend or girlfriend titles.
- No formal courting or dating taking place.
- A formal breakup is not expected.
- More happens behind closed doors (or cell phone screens) than what is presented in public.
- Intimacy is exchanged with the knowledge of commitment not being a definite outcome.
The Problems With The Talking Phase
Focusing on the very last bullet point, this is where my problem with the Talking Phase resides.
In this phase, young adults are putting aspects of their thoughts, feelings, and bodies (that should be given to a partner of exclusivity) to someone that is a flight risk. I say flight risk because this person cares enough to engage in intimate behaviors, but does not see the importance of commitment and sharing those moments with just one person at a time.
On the opposite end, it's in this stage when someone is freely taking aspects of their thoughts, feelings, and body without the knowledge of monogamy being a factor. A red flag should raise here for the receiving party because all of those aspects could also be given to other people.
How special can you feel when a person you care for is sharing their side of the relationship with someone else?
Without the title and commitment of a relationship, this “open intimacy” can be justified.
Advice For Someone In This Phase
Draw the line. Make some rules. It’ll save you some heartache and a headache.
Sure, there are definitely less dramatic examples. Overall, this phase is about getting to know someone. When this “getting to know you” progresses into activities that resemble a relationship, that is when problems emerge.
My advice to those who are entering the "Just Talking" stage -- or even if you have been in it longer than your last actual relationship -- is to learn a new acronym: DTR. Define The Relationship.
This might seem bizarre, ambitious, too soon, or out of line, BUT IT’S NOT. Whether you two decide to just stay friends, court, date, whatever -- it benefits both people to know where the relationship (if there is one) starts and ends.
We Created It, We Can Perfect It
My generation gave rise to the stage of Just Talking. We are also the culprits that birthed and killed YOLO, introduced the term "Bae," taught the vocabulary of ‘"being on fleek," and many other not so proud staples that are grouped under the millennial generation highlight reel.
What most don’t realize is that we have the power to control phenomena within our culture. We have such prevalence in social media and have the knack for death gripping on trends and milking them dry of their humor.
The Talking Phase is no exception. We have the power and influence to shepherd this trend any way we see fit. We can take this phase and mold it and shape it back to a state where boundaries are not so skewed and commitment is less hazy to those involved.