Have you ever wanted a quick snapshot of the personalities or temperaments of some of the different colleges in Indiana? Look no further, dogs are a perfect way to represent the major schools in Indiana.
Ball State
Ball State is the University that never sleeps. Rottweilers are hyper, high energy, protective dogs that also similarly, rarely are seen to be drowsy or lazy. Both are hyped 25 hours out the day and that’s saying a lot. They may seem intimidating at first, but open up after a while and may be not as crazy as you think (or they both may prove you wrong, who knows).
Indiana University Bloomington
A high-energy and huge dog – the Bullmastiff. IU Bloomington is a Big 10 school, dominating in size and stature (clearly similar to a Bullmastiff). The student body never calms down and the hype is incomparable. Both are loyal to their school or master, respectively. A Bullmastiff is the dog for you Hoosiers out there.
Butler University
I know, I know, Butler’s mascot is a bulldog, but a beagle better represents its student body. A small, yet wildly popular university, Butler University correlates perfectly to a beagle. Its less than average in size, yet makes up for it in zest and personality. A beagle’s howl and bark is loud and prominent, much like the students at Butler, who are heavily involved in their academics and community. Butler has a smaller student body, yet tons of school spirit and contains D1 athletics. Its campus is cute and quaint, just like a beagle.
Indiana State University
English Setters are perfect dogs for the country-side. Stereotypes say students at Indiana State come from the country and are in touch with the camo and hick trends, so to speak. What other perfect dog to represent them than one who loves to roam and is perfect for the country-side?
Notre Dame
Smart. Poodles are quite intelligent dogs while Note Dame students are also quite intellectual students. Along with being clever, some Notre Dame students tend to be pretentious, just like poodles are. They prance along and are owned a stereotypical dog of higher-class families. I’m definitely not saying that ALL Notre Dame students are posh snobs, but that’s what stereotypes suggest. Therefore, a poodle is perfect for this classification.
Purdue University
Again, the Border Collie is a very scholarly dog. The students at Purdue are pretty smart as well, and Purdue is known for it’s engineering academic reputation (not an easy program, I would say). Border Collies are fun and clever, perfect to represent the student body of Purdue.
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Shetland Sheepdogs are also very clever dogs, relatable to the students who attend Rose-Hulman. This dog breed is small in size, similar to the enrollment number at Rose-Hulman, but its intelligence speaks volumes about the dog itself, comparable to the students who go there.
Wabash College
Can you think of a manlier dog than a German Shepard? Yeah, neither can I. An all male college, Wabash correlates to the big and dominating German Shepard. German Shepherds are smart, muscular, loyal, and high energy, quite like the men of Wabash.
And there you have it, the personalities and descriptions of these Indiana schools in a nutshell. I loved writing this article because I’m an avid dog lover, hope you are too. Go Dawgs!