a senior in high school, I had a small idea of what to expect when going into college. My school made sure they offered lot of information about how to get into college and how to pay for college, but they lacked a little on all the differences of college vs. high school. However, one of my English teachers invited past students in to talk about their own college experiences which I was super grateful for. Some things were helpful, but everyone also has their own college experiences.
Here are 16 things I learned in college during my first month being here:
1. Rain does not always fall vertically. Sometimes it attacks horizontally.
My campus is very windy, so if it is raining and the wind is blowing at the same time, you will be attacked. Your umbrella can only do so much to protect you, but be prepared to get wet. Also, always carry your umbrella with you because the weather never seems to make up its mind, especially when living in Iowa, like I do.2. Personal hygiene is not always mandatory or regulated....even when they should be.
I live on a co-ed floor - enough said. Please make sure you do not stink, and if you do, try your best to cover it up with deodorant, perfume, or cologne. The seats in lecture halls are very close together, and I really do not want to smell BO for 75 minutes without an "air break".
3. Blisters are a very real thing.
No matter how much you want to wear those shoes with that super cute outfit, make sure you take the time to think about how your feet are going to feel after walking around campus all day long. Most of the time, tennis shoes are the way to go. Your feet will thank you later.
4. 8 am classes are so much harder to wake up for than in high school.
When I was in high school, I had to wake up at 5:45 each morning in order to have time to get dressed, put make up on, eat breakfast, and either walk to the bus or drive myself to school to arrive on-time. Sure, I did not like it, but I knew I had to, so I did. I survived. Now that I am in college and my classes are close to my dorm, I do not have to wake up until 7 am, whether it is to go to work or to go to class. Let me tell you, it is SO hard. This is where self-motivation comes in big time. It is so tempting to just turn off the alarm and go back to sleep, but I know I can't. I am a broke college student, so I need to go to work. I would prefer not to to be super behind in my 8 am, so I need to go to class. If you think you are going to have a hard time getting up early to go to class, then I suggest NOT picking an 8 am. Your parents are not here to make you go, so it is completely up to you. If you do not want to go, you won't. That's just how it is.
5. More Free Time is a Lie.
Sure, you may get some breaks in between classes, so you are not constantly in class like you were in high school, but that does not mean it is going to be "free-time". More than likely, that time will be spent looking over notes and doing homework before your next class. I, personally, work at two different jobs besides going to classes. I worked about two jobs in high school as well, but it was different. In college, a lot more homework is given than in high school which means not much free time is left. Most professors expect you do spend two hours studying per every one hour of class you have. When you get to college, make sure you get your time-management skills in place. Projects that took you only two days to work on in high school will easily take you at least a week to work on in college. Prepare yourself.
. Buses are a wonderful creation.
I, personally, have never had to use a bus to get around, but some of my friends who go to larger universities than I do, have used them. It makes it so much easier to get around campus and get to class on time rather than having to walk or ride a bike everywhere. Although, bikes are a pretty wonderful creation as well. They still take less time to get to classes or to your dorms or wherever it is you may need to go. Underlying theme for this one is find some kind of transportation to use around campus unless you enjoy walking anywhere and everywhere.
7. Homework is real in college.
Let's face it, almost no one actually read their textbooks in high school when a reading was assigned because everyone knew the teacher would go over all of it the next day in class. In college, that is not the case. In most cases, if you do not do the reading assigned for class, you will be completely lost when the professor is giving his or her lectures. Also, your syllabus will become your best friend in college. Make sure you do not lose it. It will have all of the due dates for papers, projects, exams, midterms, finals, and some even have day-by-day class information that will say exactly what was being taught that day.
8. If you aren't staying up until at least midnight doing homework, are you really in college?
Because like I said, homework is very, very real in college.
. Emailing professors can be intimidating.
Because if you haven't googled "how to email a professor" at 11 pm, then are you sure you emailed them correctly?
0. It is totally acceptable to eat pasta multiple times in a row.
I mean, why not? Also, take full advantage of your parents' home-cooked meals. You will definitely miss them when you aren't home anymore.
11. The freshman 15 is a real thing.
Even though those desserts in the dinning center look good everyday, make sure you pace yourself. Your parents aren't here to tell you what you can and cannot eat anymore. Everything is up to you now. No pressure or anything ;)
12. Your daily personal routine is probably going to change.
Whether it is changing the times you eat to when the dining center is open, or showering at night rather than in the morning, your routines will more than likely change because you are not at home anymore.
13. The laundry room.
Before you leave for college, make sure you know how to do your own laundry. I imagine it is pretty embarrassing to ask someone how to do your laundry in college. Make sure you pay attention to the timer to see how long your laundry is going to take. Do not be that person who leaves their laundry sitting in the washer or dryer while there are several other people waiting to use the machines. Do not be that other person who takes out other people's laundry just to put yours in either. They will not have any idea where their stuff is when they finally do decide to come down to get it. It is just rude. Also, do not do your laundry on Sundays. Just don't do it.14. Bathroom breaks!
Ya know how everyone complains that they have to ask to use the bathrooms in high school? Well guess what, in college, that doesn't happen. If you need to go, just get up and go. Don't ask.15. The stress is real at college.
If you haven't thought about changing your major or dropping out to live with your parents for the rest of your life, have you even gone to class? If you do decide to change your major, try not to stress too much. It is completely normal; actually, it's rare for people to keep the same major all four years. If you are stressed about college for any reason, remember that you are not the only one, and you are not alone. Ever. Always make sure you talk to someone in stead of bottling it up. Trust me. It helps.
6. The experience of making new friends.
It can be really intimidating moving someplace new where you know absolutely no one. It can be even more intimidating if you don't have a roommate - like me. It can be most intimidating if you have social anxiety as well, again - like me. For some people, it is super easy to make new friends. For others, not so much. If you don't make friends right away, remember that it is totally okay and that it has nothing to do with you. You will make friends eventually. It can be hard to learn how to make new friends all over again, especially if you have had the same friends all throughout high school, and possibly earlier than that. Keep your door to your dorm room open, so people can stop in and say hi as they are walking by. Make sure you get involved. You can't meet anyone new if you are constantly cooped up in your dorm room being a hermit, no matter how much fun that may seem. I won't lie - seeing your friends make new friends so easily, especially when you struggle with that, can be really hard. Just hang in there. Things will get better. I promise.
Even though college comes with a lot of big differences, it can be a lot of fun. You are able to explore and figure out who you are as a person. You get to find out why exactly you were placed here on this earth. Make sure you take care of yourself and make decision that are best for you and your life. You only have one, and you should definitely make the most of it.